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They arrived within a few minutes through the fast car. Hongjoong and Seonghwa quickly got out of the vehicle. The older then grabbed Hongjoong's hand and held it tight. "W-What are we doing here?" Seonghwa began to walk and Hongjoong just followed him. "Shopping. You need more clothes and I need a new suit." Hongjoong just nodded and looked down on his feet to avoid any eye-contact with the other.

They went through the doors into the massive mall, filled with thousands of people. Hongjoong felt a bit uncomfortable, because he never was in such a huge mall. He just visited little and cheap shops, near his apartment, cause he didn't have the money to buy something more expensive.

Seonghwa suddenly stopped in front of a shop, for male suits. Hongjoong looked at the ones, that were offered in the shop window. But when he saw the prizes, he gulped. They were damn expensive.

The older pulled him into the shop and let go of his hand. "Come with me Baby. You should decide, what I'll wear to my meeting." Hongjoong nodded.


After a while, Seonghwa went to a changing cubicle. The younger just stood in front of it.

He had the chance to run away, but he was sure, as a mafia boss, Seonghwa could find him again or even kill him. He was too afraid to die.

The door of the cubicle opened and Seonghwa stood in front of him, wearing a black suit with a long coat.

It gave Seonghwa a dangerous vibe and he looked like, he would kill anyone at any moment. His expression fitted perfectly, with what he was wearing and made him look even hotter. The red tie hung down and Hongjoong couldn't believe someone like Seonghwa would give him the possibility, to go shopping with him, even buying him cloths. With other words: He looked stunning, absolutely breathtaking.

"What do you think, Baby?" Hongjoong's legs were shaking without any reason, when Seonghwa spoke to him with a stern voice. "I-I-It's suits y-you very w-well." Hongjoong mentally slapped him for stuttering that hard. "That's good. Do think, we could take that?" Hongjoong nodded immediately.

A deep chuckle escaped Seonghwa's mouth, before he went back in the cubicle to change his outfit, wich didn't take long.

Both made their way to the cash registers and Seonghwa paid, with his black card. He got the suit into a box and both left the shop.

"Now, Beautiful, it's your turn. Where do you want to go first?" Hongjoong bit his lip. There were so many shops, he just couldn't decide. "I-I don't know..." Seonghwa chuckled and took his hand again, leading him into a shop, with different cloths. "Look around."

Seonghwa let go of his hand and Hongjoong did what he was told to.

He looked at the different clothes, male and female ones.

At the end, his basked was full of hoodies, baggy jeans and even a few dresses. Hongjoong found them pretty, and liked to wear dresses. Or female clothes in general.

The younger was looking for Seonghwa who suddenly stood behind him. "I see, you found something." He smirked, when he saw the dresses. "Look at this. I think it will suit your figure very well." The taller held up a pink mini skirt with some stripes.

Hongjoong almost chocked on air but held it back. He found the skirt actually beautiful and really wanted to wear it. But at the same time, he found it a bit too short.

"I-I- That's pretty..." He just said and threw it into the basket, after Seonghwa gave it to him. "Can we pay now?" Hongjoong asked quietly and Seonghwa nodded.

Of course, Seonghwa payed again. The prize wasn't that cheap at all. Hongjoong felt guilty because he could never pay that back. He didn't have the money and the café he worked at, would probably pay him that in a month.


During the ride back to Seonghwa's huge home, was it silent. No one wanted to say something but Hongjoong had enough.

"S-Seonghwa." - "Yes, Beautiful?" Hongjoong sighed. "I can't pay back what you did to me. I-I don't think, you should waste your money on someone l-like me." Seonghwa placed a hand on Hongjoong's tight. "You're enough. You pay everything back by being with me. And staying with me." Seonghwa tighten his grip around Hongjoong's thigh.

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