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While Seonghwa was in a meeting, his phone rang. All eyes were fixed on him and the room went quiet. Seonghwa sighed and took out his phone to look at the display. It was Yunho who called. "I'm sorry, I'll be right back." Seonghwa said and went out of the conference room.

He picked up the call, when Seonghwa was at an unbothered place. "Make it quick, I'm in a meeting." He heard a sigh at the end of the line. "Hongjoong ran away and I have no clue where he is." Seonghwa's hand tightened around his phone. "Why didn't you ran after him?!" - "He was too fast. I thought he wanted to do something different than running away." Seonghwa took deep sigh, to calm down. "Thank you for that information." He replied and ended the call.

Seonghwa went back into the room and excused himself before he left. He was worried about Hongjoong, but he didn't like to show it in front of other people. While he hopped into the car, he fished out his phone and called Hongjoong. Seonghwa started to drive and tried to call his boyfriend multiple times but all calls where declined by the younger. It bothered him so much that he didn't pick up.

The first place he wanted to check was Hongjoong's old apartment. Since Hongjoong lived with him, the most things were moved out of his little home. Just a little amount of clothes were left there and places like the the kitchen, the living room and the bedroom were still set up.

He pulled into the driveway of the apartment building and got out of the car. He walked towards the front door and opened it. He stepped into the elevator and pressed the button, which led him onto the floor, where Hongjoong once lived. The elevator stopped and Seonghwa didn't hesitate to basically run to Hongjoong's apartment.

He knocked harshly on the door, but he didn't receive an answer. He knocked an other three times but there was no single noise. "Hongjoong, I swear to god, if you don't open the door, I'm coming in on my own!" Again, no answer. Seonghwa knocked again but the younger just didn't want to open the door. So he thought.

The truth was, no one was in there. Seonghwa continued to shout towards the door, not caring about the neighbors. He just wanted to see Hongjoong right now. The mixed emotions bothered him, and with a blink, tears streamed down his cheeks. Seonghwa slid down the door, his head buried in his knees. He never cried like this before.

Seoul was big and Hongjoong could be everywhere with everyone. And hell, did Seonghwa hated this. He tried again to call Hongjoong but he didn't pick up. What is he doing, that he ignores Seonghwa's calls? He tried it again and this time it even worked.

"Hongjoong, where are you?" Seonghwa sounded hopeful when the younger picked up. "Seongie..." Seonghwa frowned when he heard the loud music in the background and the slurred voice. Hongjoong was obviously drunk. "Baby where are you?!" Hongjoong giggled. "You sound like you cryyy~ I never heard you cry." Seonghwa stood up and wiped his tears away. "Fuck, just answer this god damn question! Where are you?!" Hongjoong huffed. "In that one club I met Sannie the first time. Woah, he was sooo handsome!" Hongjoong laughed.

Seonghwa took the elevator down to the garage and hopped back into the car. "Seongie, I love you so much, but I hate you at the same timeeeee~" - "I'm on my way." Hongjoong giggled again. "Don't come. I don't want to see you right now." Seonghwa ignored those words and hung up. The black haired male would lie if he said those words didn't hurt him, making his heart ache. He started driving in high speed, in hope of finding the younger before any enemies or weird people would do.

The smaller was in little space and drunk, wich made everything much more dangerous. Seonghwa knew in which club he was. He pulled into the parking lot, and went through the private entrance into the building, since he owned this club. He saw the crowd dancing and didn't want to imagine what would happen if Hongjoong was in it. He hoped he wasn't.

He went over to the bartender and asked if he saw the smaller. The bartender nodded and pointed over to the blonde haired male, who seemed to have fun with a stranger. A little too much fun.

The stranger constantly touched the smaller's thighs, his eyes looking at the body of the younger, while he talked to the man. Seonghwa immediately headed over to both of them and stopped, when he was behind his beloved boyfriend.

"...And guess what! She asked me out! But I declinedddd~!" Hongjoong laughed, but the stranger looked terrified by the taller male behind Hongjoong. "Hey! Why don't you answer?! I'm talking to you. That's really rude, you know?!" Hongjoong pouted and followed the man's gaze and met the one of Seonghwa. Hongjoong gulped as he saw his boyfriend standing behind him.

"That's it Little, you're coming with me." Seonghwa wanted to grab Hongjoong's wrist but he pulled away. "I'm not! Why don't you kidnap me again, like you did it last time?" Hongjoong crossed his arms which made Seonghwa sigh. "Baby, please." Hongjoong shook his head but suddenly came down from the chair and took Seonghwa's hand. "Okay good." Seonghwa placed a kiss on the others head, before leading him out of the bar.

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