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After the four came home, Wooyoung and San made their way upstairs to their room.

Hongjoong stayed at Seonghwa's side all day long, wich made the taller happier than ever.

"Little one, if something is wrong, come down in my office, yeah?" The smaller nodded. They said goodbye to each other and Hongjoong excitingly ran into his room, where he found new clothes laying on his bed.

A confused look settled down on his face. Cross legged, he sat on the floor, in front of his bed and took the clothes. Suddenly, something fell out of it.

He picked it up and looked at it. When he realized what he held, Hongjoong gasped.

It was a butterfly shaped buttplug in pink, his favorite color.

With a small smile he put the buttplug beside him and looked at the other clothes.

Seonghwa bought an amount of panties. Most of them were white or pink. Some were red and others were baby blue. Hongjoong loved the colors and his new panties but that weren't the only things that Seonghwa had bought.

There were pretty short pants, a few cute crop tops, dresses (short and long) and mini skirts, also in his favorite colors.

Hongjoong found every single piece of the clothes beautiful but he liked the buttplug most. He took it and just looked at it with joy.

The butterfly shape was filled with a stunning, sparkling crystal. It glittered a bit and was pretty long. Hongjoong bit his lip.

Should he put it in? Should he tease Seonghwa again? When yes, would they go further? Would he punish him for teasing Seonghwa?

He hummed and crawled on the bed. Hongjoong took the buttplug and pulled his underwear down. Once the buttplug was wet enough, through his mouth, he shoved the toy into his hole.

"Hmm~" He moaned, when the buttblug was fully in him. It almost touched his sweet point.

When the blonde haired wanted to sit on the bed, he felt the tip of the toy against his prostate and gasped loudly.

He shut his eyes for a short moment, before he collected his breath and got up to dress. He wanted to wear one of his new crop tops with a short pant and new panties.

At the end his outfit consisted out of a baby blue crop top, a hot pant with fitting panties and white high thigh socks.

He loved his outfit and Seonghwa did too, who stood in the doorway, with a dropped jaw.

Hongjoong didn't notice him, he was too amazed by the way he looked in front of the mirror. Seonghwa had to hold himself back, not to destroy his little hole.

The black haired walked into the room to Hongjoong.
"You look so stunning babygirl." Seonghwa growled in his ear. Hongjoong gasped and turned around, to face Seonghwa. "S-Seonghwa, I didn't you w-were here." He stuttered as he grew wetter by the way Seonghwa looked at him. "I was here the whole time. You didn't come to me...I was worried."

Hongjoong swallowed hard. Did he see it?

"I-I'm sorry. I was distracted b-by the clothes...Thank you by the way..." Seonghwa chuckled deep and stroked a part of his hair back, behind his ear. "No need to thank me. I'm doing everything for you." Seonghwa smacked his ass, wich made the buttplug sink into his hole, touching his prostata.

Hongjoong suddenly moaned and leaned his head back. "What was that baby?" Immediately he stood like a one and tried to hide his fast breath. "N-Nothing." - "Really? I'm sure I heard something from you." Again, a smack on his ass cheek, wich made the younger moan.

Seonghwa smirked. "Do you like that? Being spanked by me?" The taller pulled slowly his hot pants down, revealing his panties. The butterfly buttplug shined through it. "So that's what made you moan? Well, do you like it?" Hongjoong nodded, not trusting his voice.

Not a few seconds later, Seonghwa snapped against the toy wich made the younger moan again. The older didn't know, that he'd love those sounds leaving his mouth.

"Did you planned on getting fucked, babygirl?"

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