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Work was done and it was currently 5 p.m.. Hongjoong closed his computer with a sigh and began to pack his things together. His heart was pounding against his ribcage when he thought about him and Seonghwa going on a date now. It was just a simple date, but for Hongjoong it meant everything to him.

He smiled to himself and then left his office but stumbled directly into a tough body in front of him. But before his butt was able to touch the floor, two strong arms wrapped around his feminine torso.

"Don't fall princess." Seonghwa chuckled and pulled Hongjoong to his chest. "Only for me..." He whispered and made the smaller blush once again. Hongjoong took his boyfriend by his collar and pulled him into a kiss. Seonghwa chuckled and returned the kiss of course. His hands were still holding onto the small waist of Hongjoong and had his lips finally on the younger's again. They kissed passionately, their lips connected and disconnected repeatedly, small noises filled the air.

Suddenly, someone cleared their throat. The couple disconnected immediately and turned their heads around, to see Ryujin standing there with a small smile. "Ryujin! Hey!" Hongjoong waved at the smaller girl. Seonghwa mumbled something, clearly annoyed and snug an arm around Hongjoong's waist. Ryujin waved back to Hongjoong and then she began to speak. "I just wanted to say bye to you two and thank Mr Park for firing that whore that kept annoying me and I'm sure you too." She spat out those words, still with a smile on her face.

Seonghwa chuckled and nodded, making Hongjoong also agree on this. "She was indeed but she just doesn't let go. We - more like Joongie, received a letter from her and it wasn't really a nice one." Ryujin's smile faded and she bit her lip. Her expression was unreadable. "I swear...If I'll get her..." She growled and made Hongjoong giggle. "It's okay. As long as we don't need to see her in person again, everything is fine." He looked up at Seonghwa with a smile, which send butterflies through the older's stomach.

The three made their way into the elevator, while talking. Mostly about Misoo and what a shit she was. Hongjoong didn't really want to talk about her. He believed that she might got rejected a few times and was hurt and broken because of that. Although he didn't want to believe that, he thought deep down in her heart she was actually nice. But boy, was he wrong.

In front of the building, they said bye to each other and headed into different directions. The couple quickly walked over to their car, so they would arrive at their date as quick as possible. But before Hongjoong could even touch the knob of the car door, it got opened for him. "I don't want you to get your hands dirty, princess." Seonghwa smirked. Hongjoong blushed a deep shade of red and hid his face behind his small hands.

He heard Seonghwa laugh a little. His boyfriend's icy fingers touched Hongjoong's tiny ones, to pull them away from his face. "Do I make you blush that much baby?" Hongjoong nodded and looked at his toes, so Seonghwa had to lift up his chin, connecting them into an other passionate kiss. Now, no one could disturb them.

Seonghwa loved the feeling on Hongjoong's pink lips touching his own. They were so soft and felt like heaven, they were so addicting, every time they'd kiss, Seonghwa didn't want to let go.

Hongjoong slowly disconnected their lips and pecked Seonghwa's ones a last time before he got into the car. Seonghwa just stood there a few seconds, before giggling like a teenager and also hopping into the car.

He started the motor and began to drive, while his large, veiny hand rested on the other's thigh. "Where are we going Seongie?" Hongjoong asked excitingly as his leg bounced up and down. "That's a surprise." Hongjoong pouted and crossed his arms in front of his chest. The rest of the ride was quiet and the only noises were the radio and the sound of the motor.

The ride wasn't very long but Hongjoong fell asleep at some point. One thing that Seonghwa also noticed. Since he was pregnant, the smaller would fall asleep quicker than before.

Seonghwa slightly shook his shoulder, so the petite boy would wake up. He mumbled something and shoved Seonghwa's hand from his shoulder. "Wake up baby. We're here." Hongjoong's eyes fluttered open tiredly as he looked into Seonghwa's dark eyes. He unbuckled his seatbelt and took the taller's hand, which he had offered him for support.

Seonghwa locked the car, before walked off with his boyfriend. Hongjoong's eyes scanned the building in front of them. It was a very fancy restaurant, but there were no guests. Was it even open?

They walked into it and the couple was immediately greeted by employees, there was a comfortable and warm atmosphere here, with quiet and slow music in the background. "This is awesome Seongie! But why aren't any guests here?" He asked while they walked over to a table, which was already set up with delicious food. "Don't worry about that. I own this and I can do anything I want with it." Hongjoong turned his head in disbelief. But then he remembered.

The day Seonghwa wanted to show him around but he was the one to throw up, so they had to cancel everything. He also remembered how Seonghwa told him about the clubs, bars and restaurants and how it seemed, that was one of the restaurants he owned.

They sat down on the table. A candle lightened it up. The whole restaurant was covered with dim lights, so it lend the room a romantic atmosphere. There was also a dance floor right next to them and Hongjoong thought about dancing with Seonghwa since the time he first saw the empty floor.

They began to eat, when Seonghwa said it was time for it. While they did, the pair chatted about different things and future plans. Seonghwa's eyes drew hearts and adoration whenever Hongjoong would talk about anything he liked. It was really adorable to see the the couple share their interest to get to know each other better than anything else. But behind this simple date, was a big purpose for Seonghwa.

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