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Hongjoong woke up and the first thing he noticed, was Seonghwa beside him. He remembered everything yesterday and could slap himself for forgiving his boyfriend so easily. But in the end, he was glad that he was with Seonghwa again. He sat up and ruffled his hair.

Hongjoong looked aside to Seonghwa, who still slept like a baby. He smiled to himself and threw himself on top of the black haired male, who's eyes immediately opened. "What the hell baby." He coughed and laughed. Hongjoong giggled and kissed Seonghwa's face, while the older chuckled.

When Hongjoong heard Seonghwa laugh, his heart skipped beat and continued to pound at the double speed. He never heard his boyfriend laugh like this and Hongjoong knew, he would give everything to hear him laugh again like this.

Hongjoong stopped kissing Seonghwa and gave him a lovingly look. Seonghwa's hand was placed on the others cheek and softly stroked it with his thumb. "My love, I'm still sorry about everything." Hongjoong leaned into the taller's touch and closed his eyes, while he smiled. "I forgive you, Seongie. I'll always do. I'm still shocked what happened but if it didn't had happened, I wouldn't have an amazing boyfriend laying underneath me." Hongjoong giggled, which made Seonghwa blush.

Hongjoong leaned towards Seonghwa's face. "I never saw you blush. You look adorable Seongie." Hongjoong cupped the said ones face and kissed his under lip. Seonghwa couldn't talk at the moment, they smaller above him was too cute and he admired every single feature of the younger.

Suddenly, Hongjoong pulled away. He sat on Seonghwa's lap, his hands placed on Seonghwa's chest. Seonghwa sat up too, but was careful not to let him fall. The taller's arms wrapped around Hongjoong's waist. "I don't know why, but I kinda have the urge to dance with you." Hongjoong giggled before he continued. "Don't ask me why..." Seonghwa smiled to himself.

"Why don't we do that? We don't need music." He pinned a hair strand behind Hongjoong's ear, before he helped him to get up. Both were still dressed in their clothes from yesterday, since they didn't change.

The couple stood now in the middle of the room. Seonghwa put one of his hands on Hongjoong's waist and the other grabbed his hand. Hongjoong's other hand was placed on Seonghwa's shoulder. "You know how to dance baby?" Hongjoong smiled softly and nodded.

They began to move to the silence, every move of them was in sync. Hongjoong had to look up at the older since he was so small, which made Seonghwa smile some times while they danced. They shared loving glances and kisses. Seonghwa spun the blonde haired boy multiple times, and Hongjoong just loved it. He felt like a princess who danced with her prince on a royal ball.

Seonghwa pecked Hongjoong's lips, as he looked at him. "What do you want to do today?" Seonghwa asked, when he spun Hongjoong an other time. The smaller thought for a moment. "Shopping? And then on a date at a café?" The smaller asked excitingly, leaving Seonghwa a blushing mess. "T-That's indeed a good idea Joongie." Seonghwa said and moved with Hongjoong in sync. "You're so pretty when you blush, Seongie." Hongjoong pulled Seonghwa at his neck down to connect their lips.

They stopped dancing for a little, to enjoy the moment of each others lips. Seonghwa loved the feeling as much as Hongjoong did. The said ones hand, laid now on Seonghwa's chest. Eyes closed and body to body they stood in the middle of the room and kissed. It was lovely to look at them. But the moment didn't last long, as the couple heard a knock on the door.

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