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Hongjoong woke up early in the morning, with a severe headache.

His hand rested on his head, while he kept his eyes shut. "Fuck..." He mumbled and finally opened his eyes, just to find out, that he wasn't in his or Yunho's room.

He stood up, confused where he was and why he was there.

He barely remembered anything what exactly happened last night. Hongjoong just remembered, that he was going to go to a club with his best friends.

Hongjoong went out of the room, to look around a bit. At the end of the hallway were stairs going down, probably to an other floor.

He went down the stairs and explored the area a little on the other floor.

"H-Hello? Is there a-anybody?" He shouted.

Hongjoong suddenly stood in front of a foyer. The doors were made out of glass. He could see trough it.

A hand was suddenly placed on his shoulder. He turned around with a gasp and looked into beautiful eyes of a stranger.

"You're up quite early." Th stranger asked and didn't remove his hand from his shoulder yet. "W-Who are you?" The man laughed and ruffled Hongjoong's messy hair. "You can't remember? I'm San. The one who you came here with." Hongjoong started to think but didn't remember anything.

He sighed. "I should go. My friends are probably worried." San shook his head and smiled. "Don't worry about them. They know, you're in good hands." The taller took a short break, before he continued. "Tell, does your head hurts?" Hongjoong just stood there and slowly nodded.

"Come with me. I'll lead you to the kitchen. You need some aspirin." Hongjoong just decided to trust the stranger and follows him.

They walked trough endless aisles and corridors, until both of the man's stopped in front of a big door.

San leaded Hongjoong into the kitchen and took out of a shelf a small package. He opened it and gave the pill to Hongjoong with a glass of water.

Hongjoong didn't hesitate and gulped down the water with the pill. He gave back the glass and San smiled.

"I would recommend, that you go back to bed." Hongjoong sighed. "I shouldn't be here..." San sighed. "I already told you. You don't have to worry. Just feel home." Hongjoong smiled a bit and nodded.

Both said goodbye and Hongjoong went up again to his room, but was completely lost.

He forgot where they started or where his room was.

Hongjoong tried to go back by running again through the hallways of the gigantic house. He looked for the familiar door wich leaded into his bedroom, but never found the one. The small male was about to give up.

Hongjoong then heard a deep voice out of a room.

Maybe he could ask for help?

He gathered his courage and knocked on the door. He heard an annoyed sigh and footsteps, going to the door. This was obviously a bad idea.

Nervously, he played with his sleeve on the sweater, not knowing what will happen next.

The door clicked and got opened by a very handsome, black haired male.

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