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Today was the big day. Well, the second big day because Seonghwa wanted to surprise Hongjoong with the engagement party today. He was up very early to prepare breakfast for his loved ones because he was too excited to sleep.

Afterwards he want upstairs to wake up Hongjoong. Carefully he opened the door and looked over to the sleeping figure on the bed. Seonghwa made his way towards Hongjoong and gently shook his shoulder.

Hongjoong knitted his eyebrows in his sleeping pushed Seonghwa's hand away before snuggling into the blanket. Seonghwa laughed at him and threw his whole body on Hongjoong, who was suddenly wide awake.

He tried to catch some air before pushing Seonghwa off of him. "What is wrong with you?!" He asked and crossed his eyes while Seonghwa began to laugh. He put his arms around his waist and pulled him closer to his chest. "I wanted to wake you up but you didn't want to, so I had to take other options." He whispered against his lips before pressing his own on top of Hongjoong's.

Hongjoong could just chuckle a little into the kiss and returned it quickly. But the kiss only lasted a few seconds, because soft cries interrupted their moment. Hongjoong quickly pushed himself away from Seonghwa to crawl over to the crib to take his son out.

As soon as the baby laid in his arms the cries muffled and he fell back asleep.

Hongjoong sighed. "My little angel, he's so adorable." He whispered and looked over at Seonghwa who smiled lovingly at his fiancé. "He has it from you. Definitely." Hongjoong giggled and placed the baby between him and Seonghwa. "I can't wait until he's ready to learn some taekwondo techniques." Seonghwa chuckled and rubbed Jongho's cheek softly.

Both laid there a whole while. The secret engagement party would begin at 2 p.m and until then they had enough time to cuddle and care for their little loved one. Seonghwa couldn't once again put in words how happy he was. He had his son and Hongjoong and couldn't be happier. Hongjoong could also say the same thing. Both loved each other dearly and everyone could see it.

Not a few hours later, Hongjoong was the first to get up again, since the small family fell asleep at some point. He quietly crawled over Jongho and Seonghwa to stand up and walked quietly towards the door.

When he was out of the room, a weird but sweet smell lingered in the air. Hongjoong raised an eyebrow and raised his eyebrow before quickly hurrying downstairs to check if the kitchen was burning (He thought Seonghwa cooked and forget to turn off the stove).

Hongjoong was surprised what he found in the kitchen. Nothing was burned, nothing was messy and breakfast was ready, although the pancakes were probably already cold. The corner of his lips raised and he walked over to the desk.

The plate for their baby was placed in front of the baby chair on the edge of the table while the other chairs stood on the sides, plates in front of them with pancakes. The small details on the table were the pretty dark roses with the dark red napkins beside the plates. There were also three small candles. A rather tall sized one, a middle sized one and a small sized one.

Hongjoong ouldn't put into words how stunned he was.

"Do you like it?" A deep voice asked from behind. He turned around and saw his fiancé standing there with Jongho in his arms, who slept peacefully. Hongjoong smiled widely and nodded.

"I love it, Hwa. Thank you so much." He said and pressed a kiss on his forehead.

Hongjoong kept his baby on his lap while both ate. Seonghwa said he couldn't resist the urge to add the baby chair, so that it would look a little cuter. He also knew babies who were one month old couldn't sit or eat anything but nevertheless he did it.

Seonghwa also said that the candles resembled their small family which was the last straw for Hongjoong before tears bursted out of his eyes.

After they ate up, Seonghwa cleaned the table and put the dishes away. Hongjoong wanted to help him but Seonghwa protested, so now he was sitting on the couch waiting patiently for his fiancé to join him, since he has already brought Jongho to bed again after he fed him.

It wasn't long until Seonghwa let himself fall beside him. Hongjoong immediately clung onto his body and put his head into the crook of Seonghwa's neck.

"Thank you for the amazing surprise." He giggled and kissed a few parts of the exposed skin. Seonghwa chuckled and snug his arms around the smaller's waist. "I have much more planned for today." Hongjoong looked into his eyes a little surprised. "You did?" He asked and Seonghwa nodded.

"Yeah, but you have to wait." Hongjoong sighed dramatically. "This isn't necessary, really. Making breakfast was surprising enough." He chuckled and kissed his head.


Hello guys!

I want to apologize already for not updating in the future.

Lately, I've been struggling a lot with my mental health and I really need to take a break from writing and other things in general. Don't get me wrong, I love writing and reading and the story will definitely have an end but I don't think I'm able to keep up updating regularly.

And thank you for y'alls love and support, I really appreciate every vote and comment I get <3


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