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That went on the whole weekend. Every day, Hongjoong would get up early in the morning to throw up. Seonghwa of course always ran after him and made him tea, to make him feel better. And it helped.

On Monday, his period and everything else was gone. Hongjoong could finally go out again without feeling nauseous or had to throw up. He could finally do his thing in peace again, without period cramps. Yeah, the days after his period were truly the best for him.

Hongjoong snuggled into Seonghwa's chest as he kissed his jaw, to wake him up. "Wake up Seongie." Hongjoong could hear a small groan from his boyfriend, before the said one looked down at the tiny male. "I don't want to..." He wrapped his arms around Hongjoong's waist, to pull him closer.

Hongjoong sighed. "Well, but I have to get up. Could you please let go off me?" - "No." Hongjoong tried to crawl out of Seonghwa's grip, but didn't succeed. He playfully smacked the older's chest. "Seonghwa, I'm gonna be late for my classes! And I have to work on my music project!" Hongjoong pouted.

Seonghwa groaned and finally let go off him. "Okay, get ready and I'll drive you to school." Hongjoong nodded and gave Seonghwa a quick peck on his lips, before he ran into his bedroom to get ready.


Yunho waited at the gate with Mingi for Hongjoong. He was unbelievable nervous, because he finally wanted to tell Hongjoong the truth. There were things, Hongjoong couldn't even think about, that happened and Yunho needed to tell him, before this would ruin their friendship.

A few minutes later, the known sport car drove into the parking lot from the school. The pair saw how Hongjoong kissed Seonghwa passionately a last time, before going out of the car. Yunho caught Mingi smiling at their interaction, therefore he kicked with his elbow in his side, so he would stop smiling like an idiot. Mingi send an apologetic look to his boyfriend, before welcoming their other friend.

"Hongjoong! Long time no see!" Mingi hugged Hongjoong tightly who returned the hug of course. Yunho also stood beside them and hugged Hongjoong when it was his turn. They chatted for a while, until it was time to go in. Mingi said bye to the two oldest and rushed to his own classes, while Hongjoong and Yunho went to theirs.

"What about you coming with me to the studio today? The lyrics is almost ready and we could start to record." Hongjoong smiled as both of them sat down on their chairs in the classroom. Yunho thought a moment. This would be the perfect opportunity to tell him everything, before Seonghwa does. "Sure." He smiled.

During the lesson, they talked about their music project. Hongjoong told Yunho about the song he wrote for the special person. The younger listened and pressed fingers on the smaller's mouth, whenever they were about to get caught talking by the teacher.

This continued the whole lesson long, until the bell rang. The two best friends made their way into the canteen, where Mingi already at one of the tables sat.

Yunho kissed his boyfriend's cheek and settled down beside him. They talked about god and world until Hongjoong received a call. He pulled out his phone and looked at the display. It was Seonghwa. He didn't hesitate to pick up the call, took bit distance from the pair as he stood up and turned around.

"Seongie?" The sweet voice of the younger echoed into the speaker. "Baby how are you?" Hongjoong was a bit confused by the question but answered it. "I'm fine. Why do you ask?" He heard a slight hum at the end of the line. "Didn't Yunho already tell you?" Hongjoong was more than confused now. What did he mean? "No, what do you mean Seongie?" Hongjoong asked and glanced over to Yunho and Mingi. Both of them looked at him.

Seonghwa sighed. He knew he had a lot to explain now, or more like Yunho. Seonghwa and Yunho made up, that Yunho will talk to him while they were in school. "It doesn't matter now. I wanted to tell you that you'll stay at Yunho's this time. You know, today I'm really busy and you need to stay with someone who won't harm you." Hongjoong sat down again. "But how do you know, you can trust Yunho? You barely know him..." Or was he wrong? Hongjoong counted the times they met in his head. They just met when he was at Yunho's. "Stop asking questions Hongjoong! I'll pick you up later. I love you." And like this, he hung up.

Hongjoong took the phone confused into his hands and looked up at Yunho. His boyfriend was pissed and it had something to do with Yunho. Was he jealous?

"Who was that?" Mingi asked. "My boyfriend. He said I should stay over at Yunho's and he'd pick me up later because he's busy. But he was somehow pissed and I don't know why. He asked something about, 'if Yunho already told me something', but I have no clue what he means." Hongjoong now looked over to his best fiend, who was obviously very nervous. "Were you about to tell me something?" Yunho was shaking. He didn't know how to answer.

"Actually, yeah. It is...very important but, I think it'd be better if we discuss it at home." Hongjoong nodded at Yunho's odd behavior and just took it like this.

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