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"Leave! Just go and give us time!" Yunho shouted at the couple who stood hand in hand in front of the door. San and Wooyoung were already preparing everything while Mingi and Yunho had to convince the two that they had everything under control while Seonghwa and Hongjoong will be gone for a day.

Woosan and Yungi had one day time to prepare the gender reveal and sent them on a one day vacation near Gangnam. But this came so suddenly that the two males almost didn't have time to process everything.

"Are you sure you got this?" Mingi nodded and pushed both a bit forward. "Come on, this will be nice. You two could spend some time together and relax and tomorrow you'll know your baby's gender." Hongjoong looked up at Seonghwa who smiled down at him and picked up their bags with clothes.

"Okay good. Then we're leaving now." Seonghwa said and grabbed Hongjoong's wrist in order to pull him outside, where their vehicle already stood. "N-No wait!" He yelled but Seonghwa's grip was just too harsh to pull away, so in the end the taller was able to push Hongjoong into the car.

Seonghwa started the motor and began driving while Hongjoong looked back at the mansion behind them. "Aren't you excited honey?" He asked the smaller who sighed and looked down on his lap. "I really am but I'm just worried that those bastards will do something stupid." Seonghwa laughed and placed his hand on top of Hongjoong's thigh, squeezing it slightly. "They won't and if, I'll show them what consequences there are." Hongjoong smiled and placed his hand on Seonghwa's one.

"Do you want to celebrate Christmas in a more special way? Wooyoung and San finally bought an own apartment and Yunho and Mingi are going to visit their families while Christmas and the employees will have a week off, so it's just us." Hongjoong thought for a while. "We could just make us a beautiful day and gift us presents, there is nothing more we need to do. Just simply celebrating Christmas." Hongjoong smiled at Seonghwa who returned the pretty smile.

While the couple was driving to their house they'd stay over, San and Wooyoung walked through a store to look for perfect presents for the baby. They knew the gender and also now knew what they should buy.

"Okay, you're looking for pink balloons and I'm going to look for the blue ones." San nodded and pecked Wooyoung's lips before their ways disconnected. It's been a few hours now since the couple left.

Yungi and Woosan booked for them an apartment in Gangnam for the night, including a pool of course. Yunho told the rest how much Hongjoong loved going swimming but wasn't confident enough to show off his bikini bottoms because when he did wore them one time, people told him that those were just for woman. It had hurt him deeply though, so Yunho wanted something for his best friend with a pool.

They also had an idea for the reveal. Mingi and Yunho would bake a cake. From the outside it was completely white and if Seonghwa and Hongjoong would cut it open, they'd see either the color blue or pink, which reveals the gender.

Wooyoung found himself stuffing every single thing that was blue into the basket. Although he just wanted to look for the balloons, he couldn't resist when he saw other cute blue things.

Suddenly someone tapped on his shoulder. He turned around and faced his beautiful boyfriend. "What the hell Woo? You said you were just looking for blue balloons!" He said when he threw the pink ones into the basket. Wooyoung giggled a little and scratched the back of his neck. "Well, I think I got a bit distracted." He shrugged and San chuckled while pecking Wooyoung's lips.

"Are you packing for our baby already?"

Wooyoung smiled a little bit shook his head. "We still have to find a surrogate for our baby, which isn't really easy and we still need to set up our apartment." San sighed and nodded. He didn't like the idea of a woman carrying their baby, he rather wanted to adopt one instead. "What's wrong Sannie?" San kissed Wooyoung's head and smiled. "I'll tell you later, let's pay for first." Wooyoung smiled and nodded.

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