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Hongjoong was still tired when he woke up. No wonder why, it was 4 in the morning. Tiredly, he rubbed his eyes and turned to the side where Jongho laid in the crib. He was crying again and Hongjoong quickly lifted his small body up, so that he was close to his chest.

Seonghwa was still asleep and probably won't wake up. He was a heavy sleeper so it never was a problem for him when his son began to cry. He just woke up a few times when he felt a weight shifting on the other side of the bed the first weeks after Jongho was born.

Hongjoong kissed the top of his head, before pulling up his shirt to let him drink. He still wasn't used to breastfeed a baby, especially since he just had a very flat chest. After all, he was still a guy, so it surprised him when it came out that he was able to produce milk.

He was proud of his little boy that he made already to one month. Time flew by so fast and he remembered the day where he revealed to Seonghwa that both will be having a baby like yesterday. How could he ever forget that moment?

After Jongho was done, Hongjoong wiped the corner of his small mouth clean and chuckled. He looked so adorable, even though the room was completely dark. He placed him over his shoulder and patted his back. When he quietly burped, Hongjoong took him down from his shoulder and looked at him.

"I'm so proud of you, my little one. Sleep well." He whispered and kissed his head, before laying him back into the crib.

Stretching his back, he also laid back down on his lovers naked chest to fall sleep again. It was easy to do so, because they always slept in a position like this and both felt too comfortable in it to stay awake for any longer.


The next morning arrived quickly. Seonghwa was the first to wake up next to his beautiful fiancé, who laid on his chest. Gently, he put a hand on his head and ruffled his hair.

While Seonghwa was busy playing with Hongjoong's hair, the smaller's eyes slowly opened. He grumbled a little and lifted his head to look at Seonghwa with pinched eyes.

"Oh, you're awake already?" Seonghwa chuckled and Hongjoong let his head fall back on his chest with a nod. "My aunt, uncle and cousin wanted to visit us the forenoon and in the afternoon Changbin and Felix wanted to come over. Is that okay for you or do you want one of them to come tomorrow?" Seonghwa asked and stroked his head gently.

"It's okay if they come today. Jongho will probably be happy to see Haneul." He laughed and Seonghwa agreed with a hum.

Not a good minute later, Seonghwa and Hongjoong made themselves ready for the day. While they were showering, Seonghwa poked his sides the whole time, which made the younger squeak. It also tickled a lot since he was very sensitive on his sides.

"Stop it!" Hongjoong giggled but Seonghwa didn't. He suddenly put his hands on his waist and wandered from there up to his sides where he squeezed the soft flesh. Hongjoong bursted into laughed and tried to free himself from his grip while Seonghwa smiled down at him.

"Seriously Seonghwa, stop it or do you want me to fall in here?" Hongjoong giggled and Seonghwa shook his head. "Of course not darling." He said and finally stopped while placing soft kisses on top of Hongjoong's wet hair. The smaller just shook his head with a chuckle and continued to shower with Seonghwa's arms around his waist.

After they were done, both dried each other and finally walked out of the bathroom with towels covering their bodies.

"It's your time for diaper duty, love!" Hongjoong said and left the room, leaving Seonghwa and baby behind, so he could get some of his clothes which were still in his old room.

Seonghwa sighed and laughed while walking over to the crib. "Hello there my favorite little boy. Did you poop into your pants again?" He said while his son straddled with his legs, looking at him with mouth a little open and a smile. Seonghwa chuckled and lifted him up.

"Phew, you stinky boy. Let's change your diaper real quick and then we're meeting mommy downstairs yeah?" He said and tickled Jongho's little belly which made him giggle. Seonghwa couldn't stop smiling at the cute sounds he made and the fresh father couldn't be more proud to be a parent now.

He took Jongho with him back into the bathroom and placed him on top of the dresser. He slowly opened the diaper and the smell of poop made its way into his nose.

With a rather disgusting expression he continued to take off the diaper and threw it into the bin. Jongho smiled and still laughed at his father, which made Seonghwa automatically smile.

He took a wet rag and wiped his son clean before rinsing it out. Seonghwa took from the under drawer a new diaper out and put Jongho into it. Afterwards he wrapped him into his brown bear jumper before lifting him into the air and looked at him with a proud smile.

"There you go my little boy." He brought his soft forehead to his lips and placed a small kiss on it.

He walked back into the bedroom and placed Jongho on the bed. "Daddy's going to change real quick and then you can meet mommy, yeah?" He asked as he leaned over and tickled Jongho's belly once more to make him giggle.

Seonghwa collected some clothes from the wardrobe and put them on after he brought the towel back into the bathroom.

He walked over to the bed and left with Jongho the room to go downstairs. The smell of eggs and bacon already lingered in the air and he couldn't wait to dig into his breakfast. He was really hungry and he knew Hongjoong made the best food ever.

As soon as he entered the kitchen, Hongjoong turned around and smiled at them.

"Good morning my two favorite boys." Hongjoong cooed at them as Seonghwa stood right in front of him. "You too a good morning my love." Seonghwa said and placed a sweet kiss on his forehead. "You can sit down, the food will be ready in less than a minute." He said and turned back to the stove.

Seonghwa did what he was told to and sat down with his son sitting on his lap with support of his father of course.

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