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Seonghwa groaned when he heard the knock. He disconnected their lips and gave Hongjoong a look, that he should go back to bed. Hongjoong of course did what he was told to and snuggled into the blanket.

Seonghwa then opened his door but didn't expect the person behind it. "Mingi?" He whisper-yelled not too loud to let Hongjoong hear who on the door was. The taller nodded and pulled Seonghwa in the floor and closed the door so they could talk better.

"Why are you here?" Mingi sighed. "Ryujin got kidnapped. We just received a letter. If you don't transfer enough money, they'll kill her and I'm sure since she's an important part of the company, they probably have her to get informations." Seonghwa raised an eyebrow. "Who are 'they'? And why would I care about her? She has to remain silent and I told her the job could cost her, her life." Mingi looked at his boss.

"Seonghwa, I know you're mostly cold hearted but I know you would save her. Her partner didn't get informed yet and we need to act like nothing happened, so we need her back as soon as possible and before she spills the tea about our informations." Seonghwa crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Okay good. But you still didn't answer my first question, Mingi." - "They are a new mafia here. They want to improve their skills and shoot you from the throne. Manipulation is one of the best things they can do and since they have Ryujin, they could easily harm the company and you." Mingi finished but Seonghwa wasn't still convincing by him.

He tsked at the other and wanted to go back into his room. "If she keeps her mouth shut, nothing will happen." Seonghwa was halfway opening the door, but Mingi took his wrist and pulled him back. "Look, I know you don't think anything of this. But these guys were those who broke in, in the warehouses. Think about the problems that could happen. Think about your friends; they could die! Think about Hongjoong! The same could happen to him, just because they got Ryujin. Do you want your boyfriend alive or dead, because if you don't do anything, I can assure you, you won't see him alive after an attack."

Seonghwa know looked down at his feet. He wanted everything else but having Hongjoong dead. Seonghwa then nodded. "You're right. Give me some time until tomorrow please. This will become a hard time..." Mingi also nodded and made his way back into any direction.

Seonghwa just sighed, before opening the door and walking towards Hongjoong, who still laid in the bed. Seonghwa smiled at his boyfriend and crawled above him. How does he explain this to him?

"Who was that Seongie?" Hongjoong asked and played with Seonghwa's hair. "Mingi." Hongjoong stopped his movements when he heard the name of his friend. "How comes that you know him...?" Seonghwa was confused. "Didn't Yunho tell you that? Mingi works here since I began with that stuff. He's my best friend since childhood..." Seonghwa stroked now Hongjoong's hair who just nodded. He wasn't even surprised anymore.

"What did he want?" Hongjoong asked then and pulled Seonghwa down, so he laid on top of the smaller boy. "There's a big problem..." Seonghwa began and explained everything Mingi told him. From who Ryujin was and what consequences it would have if they wouldn't save her.

"But this needs a lot of time, from planning everything, to carry out the plan. And I won't have enough time for you. I'm sorry Joongie." Hongjoong pouted but smiled. "I understand that. I-I will still love you, don't worry." Hongjoong put his hand on Seonghwa's cheek bone, shaking. His hands were suddenly cold, which didn't got unnoticed by Seonghwa.

Seonghwa leaned into his touch. "Is everything okay sweetheart? You're shaking and your hands are very cold." Hongjoong looked aside, as a small tear built up in his eyes. He didn't want Seonghwa to ignore him, he wanted his closeness and warmth. "Baby! Don't cry please...Or else I have to do it too." Seonghwa whispered and kissed Hongjoong's tear away.

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