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The couple had their hands all over their self's. Seonghwa's hands were resting on Hongjoong's waist, while Hongjoong had wrapped his arms around the other's neck. Seonghwa's tongue was deep down Hongjoong's throat, as they kissed like there was no tomorrow. The blonde haired boy began grinding on Seonghwa's lap making the latter groan. Their lips moved on each other like they haven't touched in ages. Everything felt so perfect, so erotic, wouldn't an other knock disturb them.

Seonghwa growled aggressively into their kiss and disconnected their lips. "Joongie lowve chuu..." The little said and kissed Seonghwa's cheek. Seonghwa smiled, before removing the small boy from his lap, over the the couch. He put the blanket around his shoulders and rubbed over his cheek. "I love you too, so much." Hongjoong giggled when he looked down at his boyfriends bulge. "See that? You caused this." Hongjoong blushed a deep shade of red, letting his boyfriend laugh.

Seonghwa walked over to the door to open it personally. The butterflies he had in his stomach, immediately disappeared when he saw Misoo behind the door. He sighed. "I see, even getting excited just of the thought I'm coming here?" She bit her lip when she saw his boner and pushed Seonghwa slowly into the room, but as soon as she saw the blonde haired, confused boy on the couch, with his pink blanket, she raised an eyebrow.

"Who's...that?" She side-eyed Hongjoong who wanted to cover himself with the blanket. Misoo rolled her eyes and walked over to Hongjoong, to pull his blanket away. "Would you please leave? I have to deal with some business here." Hongjoong made grabby hands towards his pink blanket, he didn't want to cry but the blanket his boyfriend gave him, meant so much to him since a few hours. "What the fuck? You want that blanket back, freak?" She smirked. "Then go and catch it!" She was about throw it on the floor but someone from behind took it.

"Tell him to leave-" Seonghwa suddenly stood behind her, eyes dark, eyebrows furrowed and fists clenched. Seonghwa reached over to give Hongjoong his blanket back, who immediately cuddled into it. "I definitely won't tell him to leave! He can stay as long as he wants! He's my boyfriend and do you think I'd tell him to fucking leave?!" He grabbed her chin aggressively, making her yelp in pain. Misoo's eyes widened at the word 'boyfriend'. Her crush was gay?

"You fucking whore, did you seriously think you have a chance with me?! Be happy I didn't kill you by now! Stay away from me and him, got it?! I won't go easy on you when-" Seonghwa got interrupted by soft sobs. The black haired male let go of the girl, threw her on the floor and whispered a quick "I'm not done with you yet" before he kneeled down in front of Hongjoong.

"Baby don't cry..." Seonghwa took Hongjoong's then into his arms. "She-She swo meanie..." Hongjoong whispered so the girl couldn't hear his childish voice. "Yes she is. I'm making sure, she gets a hard and painful punishment." Hongjoong nodded in his neck and inhaled his scent that made him calm down a few seconds later. Seonghwa quickly turned around and saw Misoo stiffen up when she noticed the glare on her.

Seonghwa pulled Hongjoong up, so they stood in front of Misoo. Seonghwa had a plan and pulled his boyfriend into a deep kiss, he also made sure, they had the perfect angle so Misoo would see, how Seonghwa was able to stick his tongue into Hongjoong's mouth, creating a soft tongue kiss. Misoo cringed at this sight, but nonetheless got jealous. She wanted to pull them apart and making Seonghwa kiss her like that, even fucking her in front of this little piece of shit, Seonghwa called his boyfriend.

But before things would explode, Seonghwa pulled away and made Misoo's biggest fear come true. "I love you so much, Hongjoong." She couldn't stand it anymore and began to scream at them. "What the fuck?! Why do you put that freak and shitty excuse of boyfriend over someone like me! I could give you everything! Child's, grandchild's and so much more! A family! Think about your future, I could give you one! I could be the mother of your children!" Hongjoong's head sunk and he quickly placed a hand on his tummy.

Seonghwa noticed that and put a hand over Hongjoong's one. "Too bad he's already giving me a future family." Misoo was confused and angry. "Come back tomorrow morning and we'll discuss if you're able to keep the job and your life. Whore..." Seonghwa mumbled the last word and glared at her. She huffed and left the room, leaving the couple finally alone. Seonghwa and Hongjoong sighed and smiled at each other.

"This bitch. I'm actually very hurt by the words she said..." Seonghwa stated and cupped Hongjoong's face. "It's okay. At least she doesn't know we have the same genital." He giggled and pecked Seonghwa's lips. "Did you see the look on her face? She was so angry and confused!" Hongjoong laughed and closed his eyes for a short moment. Seonghwa smiled and caressed his cheek.

Suddenly Hongjoong grabbed Seonghwa's crotch, making the latter gasp. "How is your problem going by the way?" He grinned as he began to knead Seonghwa's erection. "Slipped out of little space, little devil?" Hongjoong giggled and nodded as he continued kneading Seonghwa's dick through his pants.

"Fuck baby, if you weren't pregnant, I would have fucked you so hard." The taller said and placed his hands on Hongjoong's ass. "You can. It won't affect the pregnancy or hurt the baby." He grinned. "That's good."

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