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It was early in the morning when Seonghwa woke up with Hongjoong beside him. The smaller snored a little and made Seonghwa smile with it.

"Baby wake up." He whispered and kissed his earlobe, earning a little grumble from him. Hongjoong turned around and buried his head into Seonghwa's naked chest. "Come on." Hongjoong shook his head. "Hmm, okay then you can't say goodbye to me." Hongjoong's eyes shot open. "What?!" He whispered-yelled. Seonghwa laughed and swung an arm around his waist. "Today is the day I'm going to get rid of this girl. I have a lot to do today and I want at least eat breakfast with you and say goodbye to you and Jongseo." Hongjoong laughed.

"A new baby name for it?" Seonghwa chuckled and nodded. "I have so much more! I can't wait to present every single one to you." Seonghwa took Hongjoong's chin and made him look at him with a small smile. "Keep them until we know the gender." He said and kissed Seonghwa's lips.

Both melted into the kiss and wrapped their arms around each others body. Their lips disconnected and connected again and again, creating wet kissing sounds.

Seonghwa's hands then tickled along Hongjoong's sides, so that the smaller began laughing and giggling all over the place. Seonghwa smiled immediately and kissed his whole face. "S-Seongie, stop! That t-tickles!" He laughed and tried to pull away from Seonghwa's grip, which tightened around his body. The taller didn't stop though and Hongjoong's air slowly faded.

"P-Please, it's starting to hurt, ow!" Seonghwa immediately pulled away and took his face. "Oh my god, I'm sorry honey. Are you okay?" Hongjoong nodded and kissed his lips.

The couple stayed a little longer in bed but decided to stand up eventually. Seonghwa wanted to dress Hongjoong today although the younger complained. Later, the taller put his fiancé in his own pullover and some of his panties. Hongjoong then wanted to dress Seonghwa but the taller already needed to put something on, so the smaller couldn't decide for the older. But Seonghwa looked stunning in his white button up and his dark blue suit pants, in Hongjoong's opinion, he looked absolutely mouthwatering.

They walked hand in hand down to the kitchen, where the cooks already prepared breakfast for them. It's been a long time since the employees last did that, because Hongjoong always made breakfast, lunch and dinner for them.

The two boys sat down on the desk and dug in together.

They soon finished their breakfast and rushed upstairs again into the bathroom. It was almost a competition who was first in the bathroom and done with brushing teeth.

"First!" Hongjoong yelled as he spat out the toothpaste and rinsed out the water. Seonghwa pouted and spat his toothpaste also out. "Not fair. You were first in the bathroom!" Hongjoong giggled and took the towel to dry his mouth and also wiped the water from Seonghwa's one before kissing his lips.

Seonghwa took the towel out of Hongjoong's small hands and threw it onto the floor, to pull the smaller on his hipbones to his chest. "I don't want to leave you honey." Hongjoong giggled. "You're so gay." Seonghwa laughed and kissed his head. "So are you. But I only have eyes for my pretty baby." He says and signaled Hongjoong to jump so he could wrap his legs around Seonghwa's torso, which he did.

Seonghwa's arms were placed on his butt so the smaller wouldn't fall down. The taller walked then with his fiancé out of the room, downstairs into the foyer where Woosan and Yungi were waiting. Hongjoong didn't see them because his head was placed on Seonghwa's shoulder, so that he looked backwards.

But Seonghwa was nice and put him down before the guys said something weird. Hongjoong turned around, his head immediately heated up. "W-What are you doing here?" The rest had to smile at his cuteness. "We all wanted to say bye to Seonghwa and wish him good luck with that rat he has to deal with. Oh! And Sannie is going with him, I also wanted to say bye to him." Wooyoung smiled and San kissed his cheek real quick.
Mingi and Yunho also smiled.

They talked a little more until Seonghwa and San needed to leave. San already stood at the door with Wooyoung in his arms and Yungi was already gone, to prepare the basement where Seonghwa said they would take Misoo, since their plan changed a little.

"Remember what I said: Stay in our room until I come back yeah?" Hongjoong nodded. Suddenly Seonghwa kneeled down in front of him and lifted up his pullover, to expose Hongjoong's growing belly.

"Don't worry my dear. Daddy's soon coming back and as long as daddy is gone, mommy takes good care of you." He said smiling and kissing the part small over Hongjoong's belly button. The smaller blushed slightly. Seonghwa then stood up straight again and pulled Hongjoong at his shoulders into a kiss.

"I'm being back real soon, please take care of yourself okay?" Hongjoong nodded and waved at Seonghwa. "Take care of yourself too Seongie!" He yelled when Seonghwa reached the door where San stood. Wooyoung suddenly stood behind him and scared him a bit. Nonetheless, the pair waved to their loved ones, before both mans left the mansion.

"So, what are we doing now?" Wooyoung asked the smaller who shrugged. "Seonghwa said I shall stay in our room until he returns. So that is exactly what we're doing." He said and began walking, with Wooyoung behind him. "You're so whipped." He laughed along with Hongjoong. They quickly arrived upstairs and Hongjoong opened the door for him and Wooyoung.

Wooyoung never really had time to look around Seonghwa's bedroom, since he wasn't allowed to but now, that he had a closer look, he noticed the very friendly - but still erotic red toned big room. He didn't know Seonghwa had such a good taste.

"Sit down if you want." Hongjoong said and patted the spot beside him on the bed. Wooyoung just shrugged it off and did what he got offered.

The two males decided to watch a film and talk a little to kill the time.

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