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Wait, stop this (Stop this)
Let it happen and flow like tears (Like tears)
Pain's nothing (Nothing)
We gon' get over like no fear

Close your eyes, frightening
I'm diving to meet you in my dreams every night
We'll see together
This long lasting night
Where the bright sun shines on you
I'll be there for you
I'll be staying for you
In the end I will find you

Hongjoong smiled at his almost final product. He really worked on the text for almost 9 hours but the blonde haired male was proud of himself. Seonghwa came during this time and brought him something for lunch, which he was very thankful for. He already had an idea for the melody and the rest of the lyrics, but he should continue on an other day.

He packed his things together, and heard a knock on his door. His little legs carried him to the door and opened it. Behind it, his boyfriend stood, with a bouquet in his hands, ready to hand it to Hongjoong.

A surprised gasp escaped the younger's throat, when he took the flowers from Seonghwa.

"I thought a few flowers would be nice. Do you like them?" Seonghwa leaned forward and connected their lips. Hongjoong returned the kiss of course, before they disconnected them.

"I love them. Thank you so much Seongie." Seonghwa chuckled and stroked the younger's cheek. "Get your things, so we can leave." Hongjoong quickly grabbed his bag and left the studio together with Seonghwa.

While they walked down the hallway, Hongjoong took Seonghwa's hand and intertwined their fingers.

"Your hands are so small. I like them." The taller grinned teasingly. Hongjoong just giggled.

They arrived at the parking lot and got into the car. Seonghwa started the car, and drove off. During the ride, they shared details about heir day.

Seonghwa had a very stressful day and told Hongjoong about the attack on the warehouse. He didn't care about telling him, since Hongjoong knew about what he was doing or what his job was. Yes, Seonghwa was still afraid that something would happen to his boyfriend, but as long as he isn't involved in missions or attacks, everything would be fine.

Hongjoong had a good day. He honestly loved staying in his studio all day and night and composing music, writing lyrics, singing and even rapping. He loved every kind of music; slow music, Pop, Rap and so much more. Even if he had school today and stayed for hours in his studio, his day was amazing.

"Baby, I miss the Little you..." Seonghwa suddenly whined, which Hongjoong surprised.

"I don't. I hate being in Little Space." He mumbled grumpy and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"But I miss the small you! You're always so cute when you want attention and hugs and kisses!" - "Even if I'm not in Little Space, I still want your attention, hugs and kisses!" A pout formed on Hongjoong's lips, when he looked up at Seonghwa who laughed.

"You're so cute!" Seonghwa sounded like a fangirl, who just met their idol, which made the younger laugh.

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