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Hongjoong's jaw dropped when Seonghwa opened the door to their apartment. It was bigger than he thought and very luxurious. His eyes practically sparkled when he spun around the apartment.

"It's beautiful Seongie!" Seonghwa chuckled and closed the door after he pulled the luggage into the apartment. "I know. But the boys choose it for us. It even has a pool." He said and Hongjoong gasped loudly in excitement. "How cool! But I don't have anything I could swim in with me..." He mumbled a little disappointed and looked down. Seonghwa smirked and wrapped his arms from behind around Hongjoong's waist.

"We can go naked."

"What?! N-No! That's embarrassing." He whispered but Seonghwa kissed his ear. "I saw you so many times naked underneath me, there's nothing you should be ashamed of." Hongjoong blushed a deep shade of red and hid his face in his small hands. Seonghwa laughed and pulled his hands out of his face to kiss his hands. "Come on baby. You can also wear some of your underwear if you don't want to go naked." He said and placed his chin on Hongjoong's shoulder.

Seonghwa's hands found their way to Hongjoong's waist, where he rested them on his hipbones. "Hmm, okay, if it makes you happy." He smiled and pecked Seonghwa's lips. "That means you'll go naked?" He asked hopefully but Hongjoong quickly shook his head.
"No, I'll go with one of my underwear." He simply said and walked away, leaving Seonghwa stand there with a pout.

When Hongjoong reached the room, which seemed like the bedroom, he quickly walked over to their suitcase and opened it, to pull out one of his thongs. He wanted to go over to the bathroom and closed the door behind him, but someone held it open. "Can I join?" Seonghwa asked with an innocent smile. Hongjoong laughed and rolled his eyes before he pushed Seonghwa away and slammed the door shut.

He shook his head in disbelief and began to change while Seonghwa stood outside with crossed arms. He knocked on the door and received an annoyed sigh. "No, Seongie." A muffled voice shouted from the inside of the bathroom. "Whyyy?" He sulked and Hongjoong had. to smile slightly. "I'm almost done, wait a little." Seonghwa slid down on the door outside. "Great, now you're ready and I couldn't see a thing!" Hongjoong rolled his eyes once again. "Not my fault." - "Basically it is your fault because you didn't let me in!"

Suddenly, Seonghwa fell on his back and looked up at Hongjoong who just opened the door and laughed at his fiancé. Seonghwa quickly stood up and faced Hongjoong before placing his hands on his hipbones. "You look breathtaking." He whispered and the smaller blushed.

He wore his black basic thong with a silky, see through robe, Seonghwa once bought for him. "Wanna go swim now baby?" He asked and Hongjoong quickly nodded before he took his hand and walked away into the direction of the pool.

They needed headed somewhere downstairs and opened a door, before revealing the big pool room. Some lies were placed beside the pool and the water in it sparkled and had a beautiful color. "It looks so cool!" Hongjoong said but got hovered into the air. He squeaked a little and grabbed into Seonghwa's shoulders to hold himself, while Seonghwa walked over to the pool.

"What the hell are you do-" Hongjoong couldn't finish because he got thrown into the water, which was surprisingly warm. He quickly swam up to catch some air, but soon, his face got splashed with water because Seonghwa also jumped into the pool.

After the taller dived up again, he laughed but Hongjoong huffed. "You could have do it in a nicer way!" He yelled and made Seonghwa laugh even more. "That's not funny!" Hongjoong said and turned around around. Seonghwa's laugher immediately went quiet and he quickly swam over to his fiancé. "Hey, I'm sorry honey." He whispered into his ear and wrapped his arms around his waist, to place his hands on Hongjoong's belly.

The smaller leaned back to place his head on Seonghwa's shoulder. "It's okay, I was just joking. But still, don't do that ever again." He said and pointed with his index finger into Seonghwa's face, who quickly pecked his fingertip.

"Oh my god, what the actual fuck Yunho?!" Wooyoung screamed when Yunho let now the sixth balloon pop. Mingi and San giggled and watched their boyfriends bicker. Yunho chuckled a little embarrassed and quickly collected the pieces of the balloons that laid on the floor.

The boys were currently decorating the foyer with the items for the gender reveal tomorrow. "If you keep going like this, our balloons will run out!" Wooyoung exclaimed with a sigh, while Yunho threw the popped balloon away once again.

"He's just a bit clumsy, don't be so harsh." Mingi said and kissed Yunhos cheek, who sticked out his tongue to Wooyoung. He looked offended at the taller male and crossed his arms. "Okay whatever, how's the cake?" He asked and turned around to San. "Burned." He shrugged and Wooyoung's jaw dropped in disbelief.

"You can't be serious!" San scratched the back of his neck and nodded. "Sadly I am. B-But we can make a new one?" Wooyoung rubbed over his face and nodded. "We have the rest of the day and tomorrow until 3 p.m until Seonghwa and Hongjoong come back. Oh, and by the way, the two will come through the garage, so they can directly head upstairs to put away their luggage and then they come downstairs, without seeing everything beforehand." Wooyoung explained and the rest agreed that that was a very good idea.

Yunho and Mingi had to continue to hang up the balloons while San and Wooyoung walked into the kitchen to bake the cake once again, since San burned the one before.

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