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After the day they went shopping, Hongjoong had spent an other four days in his studio, to finish his music project. The lyrics was finished and Yunho needed to record a few more lines, before everything was ready. But Hongjoong didn't hear anything from his boyfriend. He said it'd take him around two to three days and not four to five days.

Hongjoong grew impatient and worried. What if he is badly injured? What if he got kidnapped too? What if he's even dead? What was Hongjoong supposed to do?

He sighed and put his pencil down, which he used to write different lyrics again. Hongjoong was in his own world when it comes to music. It was crazy how simple things inspired him to compose music and he was always amazed by himself.

Hongjoong was tired. Tired of waiting for Seonghwa, tired of crying out of fear, tired of the less sleep, tired of being day and night in his studio. He didn't eat anything in those four days. He had enough bottles of water to keep himself up. He was hungry, but too tired to do anything against it.

His eyes were fixed on the the keyboard in front of him. His small and now skinny fingers were placed on the gropes. He wanted to press them but he had no energy. His eyes were red from crying and his vision was blurry through that.

Hongjoong took a deep sigh and stood up from his armchair, to go over to his couch. He laid down and closed his eyes, in hope to doze off but nothing happened. He wanted to sleep, to get some rest but he just couldn't sleep.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door. He wiped the new coming tears away and stood up again to open the door, just to find Yunho and Wooyoung behind it. "W-What are you guys doing here?" Hongjoong asked weakly. He couldn't even stand straight anymore.

"We're worried. You're here since four whole days and I know you don't eat when you are in your studio." Yunho said and went into the small room with Wooyoung. They sat down on the couch and Hongjoong on his armchair.

Wooyoung then handed Hongjoong a package, which looked like a food box. "Here. These are ramen." Hongjoong looked surprised but nodded. "Thank you guys." He said and unpacked his food. Hongjoong took the chopsticks and began to eat, like there was no tomorrow.

Wooyoung and Yunho shared worried glances at each other and Hongjoong. Yunho knew he didn't eat in days and told that Wooyoung. The smaller was of course worried about that but wanted to give him time. But when Hongjoong didn't return they knew, they had to do something. So they ended up here now.

"Didn't Seonghwa still notify you?" Wooyoung mumbled. Hongjoong stopped eating and looked up at the two boys, as he shook his head and continued eating. Wooyoung hummed. "Weird. Sannie came back home yesterday evening. Maybe I didn't see Seonghwa." Hongjoong dropped his chopsticks and held a wide smile on his lips, after almost a week of rotting from being alone. "I-I need to see him!" He said and wanted to stand up but Yunho stopped him. "We can take you with us. But before we do, eat up."

Hongjoong nodded and ate up as fast as he could do. When he finished, he threw the empty food box away, collected his stuff and left with his friends the studio. He was excited. If Seonghwa was already there?

His heart was pounding against his chest from excitement, he couldn't wait to see Seonghwa. The whole week was torture for him and he'd be able to finally see his boyfriend again.

The ride wasn't very long, and soon they arrived at the estate. Hongjoong unbuckled his seat belt and stormed into the house. Wooyoung told him, Seonghwa might be in his office, so Hongjoong's little legs carried him to it at first.

When he stood in front of the door, the tears built up in his eyes from joy. His hand was placed on the doorknob and then opened the door abruptly.

"Seongie! I missed you so-" But Hongjoong's joy faded when he saw a girl around his age leaning VERY close to Seonghwa. He couldn't see Seonghwa's face, he just saw the outline of his body, but he assumed it was his boyfriend.

The room went quiet, Seonghwa and the girl probably talked about something. The girl turned around, slightly shocked how Hongjoong just stormed in. Seonghwa also looked now who was disturbing them, but Hongjoong was just shocked. Was that this Ryujin girl? Did he cheat on him?

Seonghwa smiled but Hongjoong couldn't return the smile. "Baby, hey-" Seonghwa was cut off by Hongjoong leaving his office as fast as he could. He thought Seonghwa loved him. He didn't even inform him, that he was back, he didn't even look after him, he didn't care, Hongjoong thought and made his way quickly into his own room.

Hey y'all! I'm sorry for not updating so long :(
I just wasn't motivated to write and somehow I'm out of ideas

I also won't be updating new chapters so fast like I did with the others, cuz school starts soon and I have lessons till the late afternoon, which doesn't really give me time to write

But I will still try my best!


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