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Small sobs escaped Hongjoong's throat, as he began to cry into Seonghwa's chest, who held him like his life depended on it.

"What about we go to bed hm?" Seonghwa asked. Hongjoong knew, if he disagree, something bad will happen. That's why he just nodded. He felt, how Seonghwa lifted him up. Hongjoong automatically wrapped his legs around Seonghwa's waist. The older chuckled deep and went to his bedroom, with Hongjoong in his arms.

The younger one, just breathed in and out, trying to calm down.

Well, it's not a bad thing being carried by a damn hot mafia leader, who calls you 'Baby', to his bed, or?

Hongjoong tried to think of the positive sides of this state but apparently there weren't any. He was scared but felt protected, at the same time. However this was possible...

Seonghwa opened his bedroom door and laid the smaller down on his bed, who still sobbed. It broke Seonghwa's heart to hear those sounds leaving his mouth. He got on top of Hongjoong and covered both of them with a blanked.

"Don't cry." Seonghwa cupped Hongjoong's face, who looked away and avoided eye-contact with the other. "Please look at me, beautiful." Hongjoong didn't follow his order, so Seonghwa took his chin and made him look at him. "I-I want to go h-home, pwease." Seonghwa sighed. "I can't let you go." His veiny hands stroked Hongjoong's cheek softly, so the tears would go away. "I-I nweed c-cuddle." A smile appeared on Seonghwa's face as he got down to wrap his arms around his tiny waist.

"You can cuddle all the time with me, my sweet little angel." Seonghwa suddenly kissed a part of his neck. Hongjoong gasped in surprise but warps his arms around Seonghwa's neck. "'M tiwed..." - "Then let's sleep, precious. You in my arms, yeah?" The Little nodded and Seonghwa turned on his side and pulled Hongjoong close to him.

Hongjoong's head rested on Seonghwa's chest, who smiled and stroked Hongjoong's hair slightly, until both of them drifted into a dreamless sleep.

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