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The next morning, was like a dream for Seonghwa. Waking up with Hongjoong in his arms, was something, he wanted to do every single day.

At those thoughts, Seonghwa held him closer than before. Through the touch of Seonghwa, Hongjoong slowly opened his eyes. His sight was blurry and after a few blinks, he realized, who held him so tight. A gasp escaped him.

"Already awake baby?" Seonghwa chuckled but Hongjoong panicked instead. "Why am I still h-here?" Seonghwa opened his eyes now. He furrows his eyebrows, he was clearly mad. The mafia boss didn't answer and got up.

Hongjoong did the same thing and was a bit confused, as he watched Seonghwa, who picked an outfit out of his wardrobe. While he did this, he spoke to Hongjoong: "Take this. We're going shopping." He threw a pullover and a pants on the bed, where Hongjoong sat.

"There's the bathroom. Go and change." Hongjoong nodded immediately and went into the bathroom.

It was hold in white marbles and had a very expensive look. The shower was big and the bathtub was like a whirlpool. Hongjoong didn't pay much attention to everything and just changed.

The pullover was way too big but the pants somehow fitted. He got out of the bathroom and saw Seonghwa waiting on the bed. He wore a white, fancy button down with a suit pants and black, laced shoes.

Seonghwa looked up, his eyes drawing hearts. Hongjoong looked so cute in his pink, oversized pullover and the pants. Seonghwa smiled and stood up. "Follow me." Hongjoong rushed behind the taller, who took his wrist.

The blonde haired followed Seonghwa until they stopped in a garage, filled with a lot of sport cars. Hongjoong's jaw dropped at the sight of those expensive things.

Seonghwa pulled him to a black McLaren p1. "Hop in, Baby." Hongjoong did what he was told and sat down. He never expected to sit in such a car. It was like a dream for him. And if it were one, he didn't want to wake up. Not now at least.

The older also sat down and began to start the motor. Hongjoong watched every move of the black haired, as he began to drive the car. Hongjoong hadn't have a driving license, so he could never drive a car like this.

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