Episode 15: A Bout With Sprout

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On a beautiful sunny day, Mew and her friends are running up the hill with smiles on their faces. And soon as they reach the top, they see a city just miles away. And soon, they're on the verge of entering Violet City.

"There it is," Tomo says.

"It's Violet City," Misty says.

"We finally made it," Brock says.

"I can't wait," Jen says.

"I know. I can't wait to start my gym battle. Violet City gym, here we come," Mew says.

Soon enough, Mew and her friends are now wandering through the suburbs of Violet City, trying to find the Gym.

Mew looks around, "I wonder where the gym is."

"Maybe we better ask somebody," Misty says.

Brock reads the book, "The guidebook says it's a little bit north of here. Shouldn't take that long to get there.

While the group continues walking, Pikachu stops to smell the flowers. Suddenly, Pikachu and the others hear the sound of children. The group stops and turns back to see two children, a boy and a girl playing with Pikachu, more like one is hugging Pikachu and the other pulls his ears. The two soon try to pull Pikachu, and Pikachu can't stand it.

"Pikachu, wait!" Mew cries out and rushes over.

She then grabs Pikachu and gives her a shock by mistake. Luckily, Mew isn't too phased by it.

Mew turns to the children and says, "This may come as a shock, but this Pikachu is mine."

"Oh, we thought it was a wild Pokémon," The boy with black hair says in disappointment.

Suddenly, they hear a woman calling out, "Zackie! Lizzie! You should be in class! What are you doing out here?!"

Everyone turns to see a woman wearing a light blue dress, a black jacket, and has dark blue hair, rushing towards them

"I was just trying to catch a Pikachu," The boy, Zackie says.

The woman turns to Mew and says, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I hope my students haven't caused a problem."

Brock then walks over to see the nice lady and says with his cheeks blush, "Oh, no. There's no problem. My little buddy here enjoys a jolt now and then."

The woman laughs, "How interesting."

Brock chuckles, "Yes, just like you."

"Right," Mew says, dumbfounded.

Then Zackie says, "If that's your Pikachu, you must be a Pokémon trainer."

"Yep," Mew answers.

"We all are," Tomo says.

"Oh, boy!" The girl, Lizzie, happily cheers.

Zackie is very excited, "Wow! We know all about Pokémon training, cause we're gonna be trainers when we graduate from the Pokémon Academy!"

"The Pokémon Academy?" Jen says, confused.

The woman, who is a teacher, explains, "Yes, the Pokémon Academy is a special school where I teach very young children who want to be Pokémon trainers all about Pokemon, how to train them, and how to take care of them.

"These children are so lucky to have a sensitive, caring, loving teacher like you!" Brock happily says with tears in his eyes

Then he introduces himself, "My name is Brock, and I'm a Pokemon Breeder. What's your name, beautiful lady?"

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