Episode 109: A Corsola Caper!

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Continuing their adventure towards Red Rock Isle for the Whirl Cup Competition, Mew and her friends are now at the second of the Whirl Islands, Yellow Rock Isle. Soon, they arrive at the port town of Megi City. The group are now walking down the streets of Megi City.

Looking at the guidebook, Brock says, "Hey, guys. Listen to this: 'Yellow Rock Isle relies on many types of Pokemon to power its fishing and farming industries.'"

Soon, Misty spots something, "Oh, wow! It's true! The rocks really are yellow!"

Everyone turns to see what Misty is talking about.

"Wow," Mew and Jen say, amazed.

"It's easy to see how it got its name," Brock says.

"All the rocks are really yellow," Molly says.

Tomo looks at the streets and says, "Even the street's yellow."

"Skwovet," (Sure is.) Skwovet agrees.

As they walk down the street, they soon walk to a display table and spot some statues on it.

"Hey, guys, look!" Misty says. She picks up one of the statues and says, "So pretty."

"Wow. They all look so nice," Molly says.

"And sparkly," Jen says.

"Hey, I wonder what that stuff's made of," Mew says.

The shopkeeper walks over and says, "Those Corsola horn art pieces sure are beautiful, aren't they?"

That causes the group to become confused.

"Huh? Corsola horns?" Misty questions, looking at the statue.

"Yeah. That's right," The shopkeeper says, "Every year, Corsola shed their horns and we use them to make these pieces."

"All this beauty, from a Corsola," Misty says with sparkles in her eyes.

Sparkle and Togepi are amazed by it too.

Misty is even more excited, "Wow! I've got to get one for my own!" she places the statue down and declares, "End of discussion. I'm GOING to catch a Corsola!"

The shop attendant spots Pikachu and Sparkle.

"Excuse me. I really like both of your Pikachu," The shopkeeper says.

"Oh, thanks," Mew says.

"Thank you," Misty says.

Then the shopkeeper says, "It's just that, Yellow Rock Islanders are partial to yellow Pokémon."

"Pika Pika! (It's my color!) Pikachu says.

Then Misty says, "Well, I suppose I could show you another one of my yellow Pokémon."

And right on cue, Psyduck comes out of his Pokeball on his own.

"How's that?" Misty questions.

The shopkeeper happily says, "What a cute little Psyduck!"

"Psyduck." (Thanks.) Psyduck replies.

"Wasn't that a sweet thing to say?" Misty replies.

Just then, Psyduck waddles off.

And Misty quicky follows, "Where're you going? You can't just go wandering off by yourself."

Psyduck heads into an alley with Misty following it.

"You're going to get lost again, "Misty says.

Soon, Misty follows Psyduck all the way to the beach.

"Now where'd you run off to?" Misty questions.

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