Episode 64: The Trouble with Snubbull

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Today, Mew and her friends continue to make their way to Ecruteak City. They soon stop by a bank of a sparkling river for rest and refreshment. Soon, Snubbull begins to sniff around the area.

"What's wrong, Snubbull?" Jen asks.

Snubbull continues sniffing around and says, "Snubbull Snubbull." (I smell him nearby.)

"Really? Why?" Tomo asks.

"Snubbull," (It's Meowth.) Snubbull says and runs off.

"Wait, Snubbull!" Jen calls out.

Tomo turns to Jen, "We better follow her. She mentioned Meowth."

"Uh oh. She must be talking about Team Rocket's friend," Jen says.

With that, Tomo and Jen quickly chase after her with Meloetta, Skwovet, and Amaura.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket are trudging despondently through another part of the forest.

"I have to have something to eat soon, James," Jessie says.

James sighs, "When we get to the next little hamlet, let's have a great big ham omelet."

Meowth mutters, "I hope dey're giving dem omelets away cause we ain't got any money to pay for 'em."

Snubbull pokes her head out of the bushes and spots Meowth's wagging tail, "Snubbull?" (?)

"I don't think I've ever been this hungry. I'd do anything for a bite," Jessie says.

Soon, Jessie and James hear a chomp, followed by Meowth screaming in pain, and they soon see that the Snubbull that spotted them had latched onto Meowth's tail.

"Look, James! It's our old friend, Snubbull!" Jessie says.

"You know, I often wondered how that little nibbler was doing, but it seems to be as playful as ever," James says.

"Help me! Do something! Get it off of me!" Meowth cries out.

"Isn't that cute, Jessie? Snubbull's giving Meowth the love bite to show its affection," James says with a smile.

And Jessie says, "You should be happy to have a pretty little Pokemon who loves you, Meowth."

"I hate this stupid Snubbull!" Meowth cries out.

The very sound of those words grabs Snubbull's attention.

Meowth comes to a stop and shakes her off, "Now get LOST!"

Snubbull is soon flung into another part of the woods.

Meanwhile, Mew and the others are trying to find Snubbull.

"Snubbull!" Jen calls out.

"Snubbull!" Mew calls out.

"Where are you?!" Brock calls out.

"Where did Snubbull disappear to?" Molly asks.

"Probably where Meowth is," Misty says.

"Everyone looks ahead and sees someone on his hands and knees carrying a backpack. They rush up to him.

"Are you okay?" Brock asks.

"What happened, Mister?" Mew asks.

"I...collapsed," The man answers.

"How about some water?" Brock says, holding a canteen.

"Thank you, young man," The man says.

"Here you go," Brock says, and gives the man the canteen.

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