Episode 101: Got Milktank?!

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Mew and her friends continue on their journey to Olivine City, a long journey. They soon climb up and find themselves looking over to see a massive desert.

"There's nothing here but sand and rocks," Mew says.

"Not even buildings," Molly says.

"Are you sure we went the right way?" Misty asks.

"Olivine City should be on the other side of the desert," Brock says.

Soon enough, Mew and the others begin their walk to the desert.

"The guide book says there's a Pokemon Center nearby. We should stop," Brock says.

"Yeah," Mew says.

Right on cue, Mew falls into a pit trap and Pikachu and Eevee fall in a net and are snatched up.

Suddenly Jessie's voice appears, "Surprise, twerps."

Team Rocket promptly reveal themselves after disguising themselves as a rock.

"It's us," Jessie says with confidence

"And we came prepared this time with our electricity-proof net!" James says.

"Pika!" (Get us outta here!) Pikachu cries out.

"Eevee!" (Let us go!) Eevee cries out.

"Why don't you guys bother somebody else for a change?!" Misty shouts.

"Yeah! Why do you always have to bother us?" Jen adds.

And Team Rocket performs their motto.


You should just bother to prepare for trouble.


While you're at it, make it double!

Then Meowth says, "I'm cutting dis one short!"

Team Rocket falters in disbelief.

"WOBUFFET! (That's all!) Wobbuffet says.

Brock and Tomo help Mew out of the pit.

"Are you okay, Mew?" Brock asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Mew says.

She looks around, "But where's Pikachu and Eevee?"

James laughs in triumph, "Nothing but net!"

"Team Rocket!" Mew shouts, "You better give back Pikachu and Eevee or else!"

"Or else what?" Jessie and James questions.

"Or else we'll jump into our balloon, like so," Meowth says.

The balloon rises and they jump in the basket.

"Oh, yeah? I wouldn't be so sure!" Mew says and brings out her Pokeball.

James laughs, "But I am sure! Weezing, go!"

Weezing comes out of the Pokeball.

James calls out the attack, "Smokescreen attack!"

Mew throws her Pokeball, "Go, Cyndaquil!"

Cyndaquil comes out of the Pokeball and jumps onto one of Weezing's faces, to James' surprise.

"Way to go, Cyndaquil, now use Flamethrower attack!" Mew calls out.

Cyndaquil ignites its back flame while Weezing tries to shake it off and finally does so and Cyndaquil lands on his face.

Mew rushes over to him, "Cyndaquil, what happened? Are you alright?"

Cyndaquil lifts his head up only to reveal a big bump on its nose.

Pokemon Journeys Season 3: Mew's Pokemon Johto JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now