Episode 79: UnBEARable

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Mew and her friends continue on their journey to Olivine City, and the next Johto League Gym. They soon find themselves passing through a heavily wooded forest.

"Pika," (Look at this place.) Pikachu says.

"Pikachu," (It's so...creepy.) Sparkle replies.

Misty turns to Brock, "Brock, this place is giving me the creeps. Are you sure it's safe?

"Not perfectly," Brock answers.

"Whaddya mean by that?" Mew asks.

"I read in the guidebook that some pretty scary Pokémon like to hang out in the woods here," Brock says.

"Scary Pokemon?" Tomo questions.

"Like what a Ghost or a Bug Type?" Misty asks.

Just then, a Spinarak soon drops down in front of Misty, startling her.

"Spinarak!" (Well, howdy do.) Spinarak says.

"It says, 'Well, howdy do.'" Mew translates.

The Spinarak goes back up its webline.

"That startled me," Misty says.

Mew then begins to wonder, "I wonder what kind of scary Pokémon the guidebook was talking about? Any ideas, Brock?"

"Eevee Eevee," (Elaborate here.) Eevee replies

"Maybe a Gengar. One that's really hungry and in a really bad mood," Brock suggests.

And Tomo suggests, "Or it could be a Snorlax that's very cranky because it didn't get its afternoon nap."

"No way. I'll bet it could be a bunch of creepy, crawly Ariados!" Misty says.

The group thinks about it.

"Well, standing around here thinking about it's not gonna get us anywhere. Might as well keep going," Mew says.

"We might as well," Brock says

"Yeah? Well, you go if you want to! I'm not going one step further in there!" Misty says.

"But Misty, it's the only way to get to Olivine City," Mew says.

Misty sighs, "I guess you're right."

"Besides, we might be able to find a place to stay the night," Mew says.

"I guess so," Misty says.

And with that, everyone heads off into the woods, unsure about the mysterious scary Pokemon lurking around.

Later that evening, Team Rocket is wearing yellow hardhats, and are walking along carrying picks after a hard day's work.

Meowth says, "I'm bushed. There's gotta be an easier way of making money than shoveling rocks and doit all day."

"I don't like the gravel pit, but if we save our pay, we can fund our secret weapons," Jessie says.

"But Jessie, so far, we've barely made enough to have your pick sharpened," James says.

Wobbuffet comes out of the Pokeball, "Wobbu, Wobbufett!" (Yeah, barely enough!)

"Jessie, I don't have the strength to deal with this today," James says.

And Jessie says, "I don't even have the strength to get angry."

"Wobbuffet!" Wobbuffet replies.

And Jessie says, "Let's face it, James; we've literally and metaphorically hit rock bottom."

"We're even lower than a Bulbasaur's belly button," James adds.

"We outta be soaring higher than the stars, but instead we're down here scratching around in the doit," Meowth says.

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