Episode 36: Hour of the Houndour

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After travelinging safely through the Onix Tunnel, Mew and the others decide to take a lunch break before continuing on to Goldenrod City for the next gym battle. Togpei and Pichu happily chirp as the table is being set by Brock, Misty, and Jen.

"Don't worry, Togepi and Pichu. We're gonna eat soon," Misty says.

While the group is busy, a pair of red eyes watches from the bushes, and soon has its eyes out for Tomo's Backpack and Mew's bag.

"That's right, Togepi. The table's almost set, we can get started as soon as Ash and Tomo get back," Brock says.

Soon, Jen and Tomo return.

"Hi, guys! We finally found some water!" Mew says

"Great! Grab the bread and we'll dig in," Brock says.

"I'll get it. I put it in my backpack for safe keeping," Tomo says.

He then walks to the spot where his backpack is supposed to be, but it's not there. It's gone.

"Hey! My backpack was right here!" Tomo says, shocked.

Everyone seems puzzled.

"I can't believe this! I left it right by this tree when Mew and I went for water, and now it's gone!" Tomo says, panicking.

Mew soon notices, "Hey, my bag's gone too."

Misty turns to Brock, "You didn't move it, did you?"

"No way," Brock says.

"Do you think somebody stole them?" Mew asks.

"We've been here all morning and we haven't seen or heard anybody," Misty says.

Then Brock says, "And besides, what was in there to make it valuable enough to make it worth stealing?"

"Unfortunately, Tomo and I keep our Pokeballs in there, and My Pokenav, and a lot of our other stuff, and some of my berries and medicine," Mew says.

"My badges, Pokedex, and a few of my Pokeballs are in my pocket," Mew says.

" If somebody's really hungry, that bread's pretty valuable, too. And the berries Mew has in her bag," Misty says.

Soon, Brock spots something on the ground, "Hey! A Pokemon footprint!"

"Whatever left that footprint must've taken our bags," Tomo says.

"I think you're right about that, Tomo," Brock says.

Then Jen asks, "What kind of Pokemon was it, Brock?"

"Well, I'm afraid I can't exactly tell," Brock says.

"What do you think, Mew?" Misty asks.

Mew looks at the footprints, "Hmm, from the looks of it, it seems that it's a small Pokemon, but perhaps a little bigger than Pikachu."

"Still, we gotta find our stuff," Tomo says.

"And we will," Mew says.

Somewhere in town, Nurse Joy and Chansey exit the store, and notice the ice cream truck.

"Oh, look, Chansey! It's the ice cream man! Why don't we get something?" Joy says, and Chansey agrees.

They go to the ice cream truck and asks, "What'll it be, miss?

"Two mint chocolate chip cones, please," Nurse Joy says.

"Mint chocolate chip? You got it," The ice cream man says.

Nurse Joy places her grocery bag down on the bench and stretches, "I'm so glad we got our grocery shopping done! Aren't you?"

Chansey agrees.

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