Episode 81: Spring Fever

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After meeting up with their old friend, Todd, Mew and her friends have joined him on his search for the legendary Ice Bird Pokemon, Articuno. Their search is taking them towards the mountains in their view.

Misty is amazed, "Wow! Look at the size of that mountain."

"Are you thinking the same thing I'm thinking, guys?" Todd questions.

"I bet that's where we'll find, Articuno," Mew says.

"You just might be right about that, guys," Brock says.

"A picture of an Articuno will be really valuable, Todd," Jen says.

"Yeah. It'd be my most prized picture," Todd says.

Then Brock says, "This looks like a nice place to stop. Anybody interested in lunch?"

"I am!" Everyone agrees.

And soon, everyone is having rice balls for lunch.

"The air up here makes the food taste even better!" Tomo says.

"I agree. It sure is a nice view as well," Mew says.

Togepi soon chirps with the thermos in its hands.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Togepi. You must be thirsty. Here's a nice cup of water," Misty says, and pours Togepi a drink.

As the group are having lunch, something spots Misty's rice ball in the shadows. And with a gleam in its eye, charges in and startles Misty, causing her to drop the rice ball and giving it an easy meal.

"Well, looks like we have a lunch guest," Misty says.

"It's a Swinub," Jen points out

Soon, two more Swimnub are heard and seen and begin eating Misty's rice ball.

"There's two more," Molly replies.

"Swinub, eat fast," Tomo says.

"Loetta," (They sure do.) Meloetta replies.

As the Swinub eats, Todd snaps some photos.

Mew takes out her Pokedex, and Dexter says, "Swinub, the Pig Pokémon. And Ice and Ground Type. The Swinub has an extremely keen sense of smell, which it usually uses to find food."

"Sounds like Swinub love eating even more than I do," Tomo says.

"But where do they come from?" Mew asks.

Suddenly, someone calls out, "Hey! Quit stealing food from strangers! Cut it out right now!" and runs over.

Turns out the voice belong to a little girl with her green hair in little pigtails, wears an orange skirt, blue shorts, and red shoes over white socks, and has violet eyes.

The three Swinub stop eating and huddle to her.

"That's very rude," The girl says.

Then turns to the group, "I hope they didn't cause too much trouble for you."

"I think they're cute," Misty says.

"Yeah, we've got plenty of food," Brock says.

"These little guys are hard to control when they're hungry and smell stuff to eat," The little girl says.

Then turns to the three Pokemon, "Where are your manners, Su, Ein, and Ub?"

"Su?" Jen question.

"Ein?" Molly replies.

And Tomo questions "Ub?"

"Yeah, those are the names of the Swinub," The little girl says.

Then puts her hand on the one to her left, "This is Su," Then puts her hand on the one to her right, "That one's Ein," And picks up the one in the middle, "And this one's Ub."

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