Episode 157: Entei At Your Own Risk

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Mew and her friends are on their way towards Mt. Silver with two missions at hand: Returning the Larvitar Professor Elm gave them back to its birth place, and getting ever closer to the Johto League Silver Conference.

Larvitar, who has been napping in Mew's bag, wakes up.

"Larvitar, you're awake," Mew says.

Pika. Pika," (Hey there. Sleep well?) Pikachu asks

Larvitar drowsily agrees.

Moments later, Mew places Larvitar down now that he's fully awake.

"You were sleeping for a long time, Larvitar," Mew says.

"Eevee Vee,"(At least all day.) Eevee says.

"Now it's time to face the day," Brock says.

Misty then says to Larvitar, "A goodnight's sleep is important, but enough is enough, don't you think?"

Larvitar panics and hardens.

"Not again," Jen says.

Mew picks up Larvitar, "Oh dear." Then rocks Larvitar, "It's okay, Larvitar. I know it's going to take some time, but Misty's a really good friend of mine. She's not anything to be scared of."

Larvitar is reluctant, but does want to take her word for it.

"Don't worry Larvitar, you'll get used to being around the rest of us at your own pace. One step at a time," Mew says.

Larvitar nods, "Lar." (Okay.)

Zeraora then rubs Larvitar's head, and Larvitar feels a little better.

"That's true. And maybe we can help Larvitar open up to the other Pokemon," Brock says.

"Good idea. And maybe your Tyranitar can help too," Tomo says.

Suddenly, they hear something and turn to see a very angry and wild Ursaring come out of the bushes and fire two Hyper Beams.

Everyone cries out, "Ursaring!" and runs away in fear.

Misty cries out, "What's Ursaring so mad about?!"

"And why is it chasing us?!" Jen cries out.

After being chased, everyone stops to catch their breath after losing the wild Ursaring.

"I think we lost it," Misty says.

"Somebody got up on the wrong side of the cave," Brock says.

Larvitar soon spots something and heads off to investigate.

"What's up, Larvitar?" Mew asks.

What Larvitar found were several shallow pools of water.

"Are those little lakes?" Molly asks.

"No, they don't look like lakes to me," Misty says.

Soon, Brock looks to his left, "Hey, look!"

"What is it, Brock?" Jen asks.

Everyone looks and finds wild Pokémon in one of the springs.

"Wow! It's a whole big bunch of wild Pokémon!" Mew says, amazed.

Among the wild Pokemon in the spring were two Houndour, two Houndoom, a Girafarig, four Aipom, two Swinub and a Piloswine.

"Guys, they must be hot springs!" Brock says.

"There's nothing better in the world!" Misty says.

"Yeah, for sure," Mew says

"I wonder how warm it is," Tomo says.

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