Episode 169: A Claim to Flame!

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Finally arriving at Silver Town, Mew and her friends have been spending time in the Pokemon Center. Mew, Jimmy, and Vincent register for the Pokemon league and are instructed on what they need to do for the Silver Conference.

Once that's done, everyone steps out of the Pokemon Center.

"Glad we got that out of the way," Mew says.

"Yeah. Now we just need to wait for the first match," Jimmy says.

Casey asks, "So what do we do until the first match?"

"Well, I plan to check out the guidebook to learn about the matches we need to do," Mew says.

Suddenly, they hear a familiar voice, "Hey Mew Mew."

Mew and the others turn to see Gary.

"Oh hi, Gary," Mew says.

"Yeah, long time no see, huh?" Gary says.

"I know. So are you gonna battle in the Silver Conference, too?" Mew asks.

"Yep. I've dotted every i and crossed every t and figured out which Pokemon I'm using, so now I'm just chilling out," Gary says.

Brock is impressed, "Wow, you not only finished all your paperwork, but you picked out all your Pokemon as well?"

"That's great, Gary," Misty says.

"That's very impressive Gary," Mew says.

"Thanks, guys," Gary says, "This conference means a lot to me. It's numero uno or bust."

"Well, I plan to prepare for it, and hope you're ready to get busted," Mew says.

Gary laughs, "Well see about that."

Then notices the others, "Looks like your group got bigger."

"Yeah. Gary, this is Casey, Marina, Vincent, and Jimmy. Vincent and Jimmy will be competing as well," Mew says.

"Nice to meetcha," Gary says.

"Hey there," Vincetn says.

"Hi," Jimmy says.

"Well, I gotta get going. I'll see you later," Gary says and walks away.

"Bye," Everyone replies.

"Well, it seems that we'll have some competition," Marina says.

"Yeah," Mew says.

Later, everyone is walking through some concession stands.

"It says here that the athlete's village, where we'll be staying, is located on the road just a little farther up," Brock says, looking at the guidebook.

Everyone looks and sees President Goodshow giving out balloons to the children.

"There are plenty left to go round," President Goodshow says.

"Mr. Goodshow!" Mew calls out.

President Goodshow turns to see them, "It's Mew and her whole crew."

"Hey, how've you been?" Brock asks.

"Why are you here giving out balloons, Mr. Goodshow?" Misty asks.

"You see, as president of the Pokemon League Torch Committee, one of my jobs is to greet the fans. And what better way than with balloons, huh? Yes, very clever," Mr. Goodshow says.

"Everyone loves balloons," Brock says.

President Goodshow then asks, "Say, Mew, it's been a long time since I've seen you. So, I'll bet you came here to battle in the Silver Conference, that right?"

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