Episode 140: As Clear As Crystal

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Mew and her friends continue on their journey to Blackthorn City and Mew's next gym badge. The group of friends continue to walk along the trail, and Mew is still under a magic spell. And suddenly, Mew becomes engulfed in a puff of smoke.

"Whoa! "Mew yelps, and is soon changed back to her normal self.

"Hey. Welcome back, Mew," Brock says.

"Lily's magic spell finally wore off," Misty says.

"That was fun, but it's good to be standing on two legs again," Mew says.

"Pika Pika!" (It sure was fun!) Pikachu says.

Eevee also says, "Eevee," (And was one crazy adventure.)

Soon, Mew and her friends are walking up the hill.

"How long do you think it will be until we get to Blackthorn City?" Tomo asks.

"Could take some time," Mew says.

"Mew's right, we still have a long way through this forest. Luckily, past the forest is a town," Brock says.

"I wonder how much forest we need to cover," Jen wonders.

When the group reaches the top, they find mountains in the distance and a forest below them.

"There's a lot of mountains," Molly says.

"All I see are more trees," Tomo says..

Brock then brings out the guidebook, "Now's a good time to check the old map-a-roo." he looks at the guidebook and says, "Okay. We entered the forest here, turned the corner here. Uh, I would say we're completely lost."

Mew brings out her Pokenav and says, "And it seems that there's a lot more forest to go around, but the signal here is making it difficult to tell where we need to go."

"This is going to take some time, Molly replies.

"Yeah, but we'll get through this somehow," Mew says.

Mew and the others continue to walk through the forest.

"Well, I'd have to say now we're seriously lost," Brock says.

"Oh, great. I was looking forward to finally getting some beauty sleep at the next Pokémon Center," Mew says.

"Don't worry, we'll find our way out of here. And besides, Misty, you don't beauty sleep," Mew says.

"Well, you could be right," Misty replies.

"Soon, two familiar voices are heard, "Hello? Hello?"

The group turns to see Jessie and James in disguise with something under a blanket.

"Our weary young travelers appear to be lost," James says.

"As does your Pikachu," Jessie says.

"A lost Pikachu loses electricity," James says.

"It does?" Mew questions.

"But of course. It's so obvious that your Pikachu needs recharging," Jessie says.

"And it can all happen with this!" James says as he removes the sheet, "The patented PikaPower Mach 2!"

"And it's so quick and easy to use. Allow me to demonstrate," Jessie says, picks up Pikachu, and sets him in the seat of the machine, "We'll just plop poor Pikachu into the chair, like so."

Soon, a restraint straps Pikachu in.

"We radio our request..." James says.

"Give the Pikachu some rest. And before you can say no..." Jessie says,

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