Episode 66: Wings 'N' Things

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On a bright and sunny day, Mew and her friends continue on the road to Ecruteak City for the next gym battle.

Suddenly, Pikachu notices something from the sky, "Pi? Pika!" (Huh? Look up!)

Everyone looks up to see a Pokemon flying over them. It's a large, red insectoid Pokémon that resembles a dragonfly. Compared to its long, thin abdomen, its thorax is short and wide. It has three pairs of two-toed legs and two pairs of wings with red bands on them. The see-through wings are described as frail and thin. A bright green mask marking covers most of its face, and it has two spikes on top of its head. Its blue eyes can see all around its body at 360 degrees without even moving its head. Its tail has two flat extensions from the sides and two gray spikes in the center.

"What's that?" Molly asks.

"It's a Yanma!" Brock says.

"Let's see," Mew says, and brings out her Pokedex.

Dexter says, "Yanma, the Clear Wing Pokemon. A Bug and Flying Type. Through the use of its two large eyes, Yanma can see in all directions at once.

"Yanma must be able to see what's happening around it all the time," Misty says

"That comes in handy when it's looking for food and for enemies," Brock says.

Yanma soon spots Mew and the others and flies down to see them.

"Hello Yanma," Mew says.

Yanma replies hello and gives Mew a kiss on the cheek.

"Aww, how sweet. Yanma gave you a kiss," Misty says.

Suddenly, they hear a voice calling out, "Yanma!"

Everyone turns to see a boy with blue hair running up to them.

The boy stops and says, "Yanma, I told you not to fly off like that before."

Yanma nods and lands on the boy's head.

The boy sighs, "What am I going to do with you?"

And returns it to the Pokeball, "Return."

And the Yanma has been called back to the Pokeball.

Then the boy turns to the group, "Sorry if my Yanma caused you any trouble."

"Your little friend didn't give us any trouble," Mew says.

Jen giggles, "It gave Mew a kiss."

The boy giggles to hear that.

Then Mew introduces herself, "By the way, My name is Mew."

"I'm Misty," Misty says.

"Brock's my name," Brock says.

"I'm Tomo," Tomo says.

"I'm Jen," Jen replies.

And Molly says, "And I'm Molly."

Then the boy introduced himself, "Well, hi. My name's Zachary Evans. I apologize for my Yanma, but I can't seem to stop it from causing trouble."

"Sounds like you have a bit of a mischief maker," Misty says.

"Yeah," Zachary says, and lets out a sad sigh. "And now, I'm going to have to release Yanma."

"Release Yanma? But why?" Mew asks.

"It's kind of hard to explain, but you see. I... I can't really keep Yanma any longer. My dad's job is the town's glazier and manufactures windows at his factory. He even makes stained-glass windows. However, the problem is that Yanma has been causing all kinds of trouble, including breaking glass, so now... he wants me to release Yanma," Zachary sadly says.

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