Pokemon Shorts 5: Camp Pikachus

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At the mountain area, a train whistle blows from the tunnel. Soon, a frate rain comes out as it blows a whistle and smoke comes out. On top of the frate train is the Pichu Brothers, covered in dust from the smoke. They shake off the smoke, look at each other, and laugh to see each other covered in soot. The pair are on the train and are heading back home from their adventure. They both wipe the soot on their faces to clean up and continue riding the rails on the train.

Up ahead, there is a Skarmory sleeping on top of the pole by the track. It soon hears the train coming and flies off. That causes the bag attached to the pole to swing around. The Pichu Brothers look in shock and are knocked into it. The bag swings them both around and sends them both flying.

Somewhere in the forest, a Wynaut is sitting on a tree branch eating some berries. It suddenly hears something and looks up to see the Pichu Brothers falling from the sky and landing on the branch. That puts a lot of pressure down and sends them along with Wynaut flying and sends them off.

At another part of the forest, Togepi is happily running around the forest while Sparkle the Pikachu catches up with her. Mew's Pikachu and Eevee, along with her Totodile, run around playing. Psyduck, Cyndaquil, Corsola, Amaura, Skwovet, Meloetta, Teddiursa, and Unown are also running around the forest.

Just then, the Pichu Brothers bounce off of Psyduck's head, causing him to fall down. Then Wynaut lands on Psyduck's back. Seeing the two Pichu Brothers, both Misty and Mew's Pikachu instantly recognize them right away and happily greet them. The two Pichu Brothers recognize Mew's Pikachu and Misty's Pikachu and rush over to greet him. The four pull each other to a hug and how happy they are to see each other again.

"Pika Pika Pika!" (Hey guys, these are our friends the Pichu Brothers!) Pikachu says.

"Pika Pikachu," (We met them sometime ago.) Sparkle says.

The Pokemon happily greet them.

"Pichu Pichu!" (Hello everyone it's nice to meet you!) The Pichu Brothers happily say.

Then Sparkle asks, "Pika Pikachu?" (By the way, what are you doing here?)

"Pi Pika Pika?" (And what happened to you two?) Pikachu asks.

The two Pichu soon explain their situation. They explain how they're on the frate train back to the city. Then, they explain that a bag hit them and sent them spinning and flying. And now they're lost and they need to find another train to get back to the city.

Then Wynaut comes over, and explains how he knows the train station to get there, and agrees to help take them. Pikachu, Sparkle, and the other Pokemon agree to help the Pichu Brothers get to the train station.

And with that, the group begins to head off on their adventure. They start by climbing down a rocky area.


Alright! Is everybody ready?

Come on down to Camp Pikachu

it's a Pokémon hoedown, we'll show you what to do.

We'll swim in the river and roll down the hill,

We'll light a campfire with Cyndaquil.

It's a Pokémon hoedown,

Grab your partner, spin 'em all around,

spin 'em to the left, spin 'em to the right,

throw 'em in the air, we can dance all night.

Sometime later, they are now walking along an open field.

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