Episode 94: Doin' What Comes Natu-rally

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Mew and her friends are back on the road to Olivine City for Mew's next gym battle. However, they've been walking on the road for some time, and are starting to get hungry. In fact, all six of their stomachs are growling.

"We gotta find food," Tomo says.

"Pika Pika," (I'm so hungry.) Sparkle replies.

"Eevee Eevee," (You're not the only one, Sparkle.) Eevee replies.

Seeing the guide book, Brock says, "We're in luck, guys! Looks like there's a town up ahead!"

"Where there's a town, there's a hamburger!" Jen happily says.

"I want a burger too," Molly says.

"I'd love a pizza," Misty says.

"Me too," Mew says.

"Maybe I'll have, a pizza burger!" Brock says.

"Good idea, Brock," Tomo says.

Just then, Mew notices, "Hey, look! Let's ask that kid how far the town is.

"Pika Pika!" (Good idea!) Pikachu says.

The group runs ahead to see a young boy in the grass. He has a beige color shirt with a red shirt underneath, hazel hair and blue eyes.

The boy says, "Let's try again, okay?"

And it turns out the boy is talking to his Pokemon, a Natu, a tiny, mostly green avian Pokémon with a nearly spherical body colored in accents of red, yellow, and black. It possesses brightly colored, yellow-and-red wings with thick black stripes. The wings are small and not fully-grown. Natu has a red crest on the top of its head, and its three-toed feet and three tail feathers are red as well. Natu also has almond-shaped eyes and a yellow beak.

"Now look straight at me. Please, Naughty," The boy begs.

"Hello," Mew calls out.

The boy becomes startled when Mew comes up from behind before turning to see her.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," Mew says.

Then Brock notices, "Hey, isn't that a Natu?"

"It sure is," Mew says, and takes out her Pokedex.

Dexter says, "Natu, the Tiny Bird Pokemon. A Psychic and Flying Type. The Natu moves around by hopping and always seems to be staring at something.

Naughty starts flapping, as if either saying hello or trying to get out of its trainer's arms.

"A Natu. Cool," Jen says.

"I have a Natu too," Tomo says, bringing out his Pokeball.

He then lets out his Natu, and the Pokemon is resting on his shoulder.

"Naughty," The boy says.

"Naughty? Don't you mean your Natu?" Mew asks.

Then Misty says, "I see! Naughty must be the name you call your Natu."

The young boy gets up and runs away without saying a word.

"What's up with him?" Jen asks.

"Maybe he's shy. He seems flustered to see us," Mew says.

Sometime later, Mew and the others reach the town, when fireworks go off.

"What's this?" Tomo asks.

The gang enters the city to explore to see decorations, food stands, vendors, balloons, and lots of people walking around in excitement.

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