Episode 158: A Crowning Achievement

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Mew and her friends continue on their journey towards Mt. Silver to return Larvitar to his birth place and then off to the Silver Conference of the Johto League. Soon, Larvitar wakes up from his nap.

"Well, look who decided to wake up," Misty says to Larvitar, "Aren't you a little sleepy head."

Larvitar soon Hardens up.

"Aw. It Hardened again," Misty says, sadden.

"Don't worry Misty, I'm sure Larvitar will open his shell. It just going to take him more time," Mew says.

"If you say so," Misty says.

"I wonder why Larvitar only likes Mew and whenever anyone else talks to it, it hardens?" Tomo wonders.

Then Brock says, "This is a job for the guy who will one day become the world's greatest Pokémon Breeder. Who makes the cute little Pokémon laugh now, huh?

Brock tries to make Larvitar laugh, but all it did was frighten Larvitar to the point of Screeching, prompting everyone to cover their ears.

With her ears covered, "Mew cries out, "Way to go, Brock!

Moments later, Mew tries rocking Larvitar, hoping to calm him down, "Alright, Larvitar. It's okay. Larvitar, come on. It's okay. Come on. It's okay."

Larvitar quickly stops Screeching.

"Oh. You stopped that just in time," Misty says. Then turns to Brock, "I think you need some work on your technique, Brock."

Brock however is confused, "I don't get it. My goofy faces always make Pokémon laugh. There must be something wrong with it. Listen, now that the Screeching's done, you can hear a waterfall just up ahead. Let's go find it and have some lunch."

"Yeah!" Molly happily says.

"Alright!" Jen happily says.

And Misty says, "A picnic by the water sounds like the first good idea you've had all day, Brock."

"I'm starving! Last one there's a rotten Exeggcute!" Tomo says.

Soon, everyone runs down the path to the source of the waterfall sound. Unknown to them, Team Rocket is spying on them again.

"So, the twers is going to have a little lunch by the lake, huh?" James says.

"Yeah, and while dey're munchin' lunch, we'll pinch Pikachu and Eevee, right, Jess?" Meowth says.

Jessie, however, is busy eating a sandwich, and the boys notice it.

"Hey, who said it was lunch time?" James asks.

Then Meowth demands, "Yeah, where's ours?"

Jessie finishes the sandwich and says, "It's all gone."

"You mean you just ate all our lunch?" Meowth asks, shocked.

"Yeah, so? If you two wanted some, you should've said so instead of just jabbering about stealing Pikachu and Eevee," Jessie says, "Now, are you coming with me or what?" and walks off.

The two just look at each other and sigh.

"Oh my," James replies.

"What just happened?" Meowth asks.

Further on up ahead...

"I can't wait to get to the waterfall," Tomo says.

"Me too," Jen says.

Mew soon notices, "There's a hill up ahead."

The group soon looks to see a grassy hill ahead. The group of friends slide down the hill and soon reach the bottom. When they reach the bottom of the hill, they soon see several Slowpoke laying around and a few Slowbro standing close to the water.

Pokemon Journeys Season 3: Mew's Pokemon Johto JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now