Episode 83: The Stolen Stones

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Mew and her friends along with their Pokemon continue on their way to the gym in Olivine City, but the road ahead looks rocky. They look around to find the large area of the rocky path and notice some of the boulders.

"Hey, guys. Look at those boulders. They could come crashing down any second," Misty says.

"Misty's right. I think we better get outta here fast!" Brock says.

"Agree. Let's get out of here," Mew says.

Everyone soon begins to make a run for it, but then a massive breeze blows in. That triggers the boulders to fall towards Mew and her friends.

"Pika!" (Look out!) Pikachu cries out.

Suddenly, some Arcanine come in and save their skins just in time. Mew looks up to see one of the Arcanine that has saved her.

"Whoa. Arcanine," Mew says, surprised.

Soon enough, Mew and her friends meet their saviors. A young woman with purple hair, dark blue shirt, light red pants, and dark red shoes. She is with a small boy who has purple hair, light red shirt, beige pants, and shoes.

"You saved us back there," Jen says.

"Yeah, thanks a lot," Misty says.

"Thank you," Molly says.

Even the Pokemon say thank you.

The girl says, "We're just happy you're all okay."

"Yeah, good thing we were passing by when we did," The boy says.

Then the young woman introduces herself, "My name's Ramona and this is my little brother, Keegan."

Keegan says to the girls, "Keegan, at your service, Misses."

"It's very nice to meet both of you. My name's Misty," Misty says.

"I'm Mew," Mew says.

"Hello I'm Molly," Molly happily says.

"I'm Jen," Jen says.

"The name's Tomo," Tomo says.

"And I'm in heaven!" Brock says happily and takes Ramona's hand, "It's absolutely miraculous that a Pokemon as powerful as an Arcanine is like putty in hands as dainty and delicate as these are." And drops to his knees, "Oh, Ramona! I'll do whatever you command, just like Arcanine, I'm like putty in your hands!"

Misty then grabs Brock by the ear, "You may be putty to her, but you're nutty to me."

"Ow! Not the ears! Not the ear!" Brock yelps as Misty drags him away.

"Wow! This is cool! I've never seen an Arcanine close up like this before!" Tomo says.

Then turns to Mew, "Well, except for Mew's Arcanine."

Mew brings out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Arcanine, a legendary Pokemon, the evolved form of the Growlithe. A Fire Type. Arcanine is known for its bravery and fierce loyalty. Growlithe evolve into Arcanine through the use of a Fire Stone."

"So that's how a Growlithe turns into an Arcanine," Molly says.

"Yeah. Brock and I actually have a couple myself," Mew says.

"Well..." Keegan says, and opens a saddle bag and pulls out a bag, I have some in here. See?" And shows them a whole bag of Fire Stones.

"Wow, there must be more than a dozen of them in that bag," Tomo says.

"They look pretty," Molly says.

"How'd you get all those Fire Stones, Keegan? Did you win em or trade for em?" Misty asks.

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