Episode 108: Takin' It on the Chinchou

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It's a beautiful day at the Whirl Islands, where Mew and her friends are making their way to the Red Rock Isle for the Whirl Cup.

The P.A soon announces their next destination, "Our next stop will be Blue Lagoon."

"Blue Lagoon?" Mew and Misty say, confused.

"But that's the wrong town, guys. We wanted to stop in Bluefinland," Misty says.

Soon enough, they realize that they've gone down the wrong path, and reach the station.

"I tried telling you that the cable car wouldn't get us there!" Misty says.

"Sorry, I thought it'd be a good shortcut," Mew says

"Looks more like a long cut," Tomo says.

And Brock says, "If we miss that ferry to Yellow Rock Isle, we'll have to wait another three days."

"But, you have to admit, it is a nice town, with a very nice lake," Mew says.

"Maybe, but how do we catch that very now? We're stuck on top of this mountain," Misty says.

"We'll think of something," Mew says.

"But how?" Molly asks.

Suddenly, the Pokemon senses something. They all look to see a small, piscine Pokémon with a round, blue body. It has large yellow eyes with pupils shaped like plus signs, a pair of semi-transparent, light blue pectoral fins, and stubby feet. Positioned on its' rear, where its tail would be, are a pair of antennae that curve up and over its head. The antennae developed from fins and have yellow, teardrop-shaped orbs at the tips.

The Pokemon looks around.

"It's a Chinchou," Mew says.

She gets out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Chinchou, the Angler Pokémon. A Water and Electric Type. Chinchou have the ability to conduct electrical currents from their two tentacles, which flow positive from one end and negative from the other. Chinchou can also communicate underwater by flashing its tentacles."

Mew turns to Misty, "Hey Misty, you have a Chinchou, right?"

"Sure do," Misty says. She then calls out, "Go Chinchou."

And with that Misty lets her Chinchou out. Soon, Misty's Chinchou and the other Chinchou are talking.

"How cute, they're becoming friends," Misty says.

"I wonder why this Chinchou is here by itself," Jen says.

"Who knows," Tomo says.

Suddenly, they hear someone calling, "Hey!"

Everyone turns to see a young boy running over. The boy has blue hair, a yellow shirt, gray shorts, and an orange vest."

"Chinchou, there you are!" The boy calls out.

Then the Chinchou runs away from the kid, leaving him running on the spot before giving chase as it runs off.

"That must be that Chinchou's trainer," Brock says.

The boy continues to chase after it as he calls out, "Help me stop my Chinchou!

"I'll help you!" Mew says and blocks the Chinchou's way.

And with that, Mew kneels down and grabs it before it can jump away.

Mew giggles and says, "Now no running away."

Mew then walks to the boy and gives the Chinchou to the boy, "Here you go."

"Thank you," The boy says, and takes the Chinchou.

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