Episode 127: Dues and Don'ts

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On a bright sunny day, Mew and her friends are continuing on their way to Mahogany Town and Mew's next gym match. However, they come across a giant football goal post.

"It's a football field with goals and everything!" Brock says.

Then Jen says, "Look, someone's there."

What they see are three figures dressed in football gears. They let out a chuckle, and familiar Team Rocket chuckles.

"Are you football players?" Misty questions.

"Who knows," Mew says.

So the question is answered by the Team Rocket motto.


Prepare for trouble, don't drop the ball!


And make it double, with an offside call!


To protect our team, we won't call it quits!


We'll unite our winners with a fourth round blitz!


To denounce the evils of an eighth round pick!


To extend our reach with a three point kick!






Team Rocket does one for the giver at the speed of light!


No time outs, the clock's running, so let's fight, fight, fight!


Touchdown! Dat's right!

"What do you three want?" Tomo questions.

"Hey, if some of us sit this one out, there'd be enough of us for a scrimmage!" Brock says.

"That's exactly right. Now go long and catch this ball!" Jessie says.

"Bombs away!" Meowth says, and presses a button on the football.

Revealing that is no football.

"What?!" the group cries out.

"Okay, Jimmy, make us proud!" Meowth says and hikes the ball to Jessie.

Then Jessie sets the ball up for a place kick from James.

"Three points!" James says.

Soon the ball heads over the goal post.

"Right back at ya!" Mew shouts and kicks the ball right back to Team Rocket.

Jessie shouts, "No fair, you're offside!"

"Cheaters!" James shouts.

James kicks the ball back, causing the timer to tick down again.

"I've got it!" Brock shouts and kicks the ball back.

"Hey, dat wasn't our game plan! You're supposed to run wit da ball!" Meowth shouts,

"They'll get a kick out of this!" James says, and prepares to kick the ball.

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt em!" Mew says.

Pikachu leaps and does so, allowing the ball bomb to land and the timer to run out.

"Uh oh," Team Rocket says with a meekly tone.

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