Episode 137: Some Like it Hot

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Mew and her friends continue on their journey to Blackthorn City, with Mew's final badge as a driving force. The group continues to walk their way to their next adventure. However, they also notice something.

"I'm hot," Jen says.

"I'm boiling hot," Misty says.

"So am I," Molly says.

"Well, there are a lot of volcanoes in these mountains. And when you add in all of the hot springs around here, it can get pretty toasty," Brock says.

"We'll be toast at this rate," Jen replies.

Elsewhere, Team Rocket is relaxing in one of the hot springs Brock mentioned.

Jessie happily sighs, "Nothing like a hot spring to melt away your troubles."

"I can feel my stress just fading away," James says.

"Mudder Nature got it right wit dese tings," Meowth says.

Even Wobbuffet agrees, "Wobbuffet!" (That's the truth.)

"Your blubbering blueness doesn't even bug me. I'll just lie here blissfully and ignore," Jessie says.

But Meowth says, "Hate to distoib your blissfulness but it's da twoips!"

And there, they see Mew and the others walking up the mountain.

"Not now," Jessie says, annoyed.

"But we're soaking," James agrees.

And they watch as Team Rocket passes them.

"Well, we could just ignore them," Jessie says.

"They're the main reason for our stress to begin with," James says.

Suddenly, a geyser erupts near them.

"Dis place is famous for dese big old geysers," Meowth says.

"Yes. And they say the geysers are fairly renowned as well. Lucky we sat here," Jessie says.

Suddenly, they feel a rumbling.

"But, luck is fleeting, isn't it?" James asks.

"I tink it's fleeting away from us right now," Meowth says.

Wobbuffet cries out, "Wobbuuuuuufet!" (Hold on, guys!)

And soon, the geyser Team Rocket finds that they're in eruptions, sending them blasting off.

"Team Rocket's blasting off again!" Team Rocket cries out.

Meanwhile, Misty is starting to feel the heat.

"It's hot," Misty says.

"Brutal," Brock says.

"Blistering," Tomo says.

"It's boiling," Jen says.

"Really boiling," Molly says.

"It's hotter than an oven," Mew says.

"Do we have to keep whining about the heat? It's only making me feel hotter," Misty says.

"Nothing better to do," Tomo says

Just then, a limbless, gastropod mollusk Pokémon consisting almost entirely of bright red magma approaches. Its oval eyes are large and yellow with small pupils and extend upward from its head. It has a bulbous snout and a wide mouth, with two drops of magma dangling from each side of its upper jaw. It's back is protected by a gray, spherical shell composed of hardened, but brittle magma, forming irregular lumps and plates.

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