Episode 166: Squawk Havoc and Let's Slip the Dogs of Power

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Continuing on their journey up Mt. Silver and to take Larvitar back to his birthplace, Mew and her friends, along with Molly's mother, have reached the entrance of the ancient ruins that Eusine explained about. The ruins they arrive seem to blend in with the trees, there are ruins, and a few paths that lead to a large tunnel in the mountain.

"So, this is the ruins you told us about," Mew says.

"That's correct. I've been wanting to come here for a long time," Eusine says.

"Hey Eusine, how long have you been studying Ho-Oh, and the legendary Pokemon?" Casey asks.

"For a very long time to be honest," Eusine says, "I actually used to live in Celadon City in the Kanto Region, and I came to the Johto Region to study the Legendary Pokemon here."

"That's cool. Brock, Misty, Tomo, and I are from the Kanto Region too," Mew says.

"Really?" Vicnent asks.

"Yeah. I'm from Pewter City," Brock says.

"I'm from Cerulean City," Misty says.

"I'm from Pallet Town," Mew says.

"I'm from the Pokémon Preservation Area there," Tomo says.

"That's cool," Marina says.

Diana says, "Yes. My husband Spencer actually used to live in Pallet Town before he moved to Greenfield."

"I remember that incident," Mew says.

"Well now that we're done with the chat, let's go check out the ruins," Vincent says.

"Yeah. Let's go," Jimmy says.

Soon, the group begins to walk around the ruins to see what they can learn about the legendary Pokemons. Larvitar and Togepi are very curious to see the ruins, especially Larvitar.

"Larvitar, remember to stay close. We don't want you to get lost," Mew says.

"Same for you, Togepi," Misty says.

Larvitar and Togepi nod their heads in response.

"These ancient ruins look like they've been here for centuries," Brock says.

"I agree. Archaeologists and Pokemon researchers like coming to this spot to study and check out the ruins," Eusine says.

"That's neat," Casey says.

Molly turns to her mother, "How are you doing, mama?"

"I'm doing okay, Molly. It's just going to take time before I'm back to full strength," Diana says.

"That's true. It may take some time, but I'm sure you'll feel a lot better after a little moving around and such," Mew says.

"After the ruins, we'll be able to get Larvitar back to its birthplace," Brock says.

"You're right," Molly says.

Then turns to Larvitar, "Hear that, Larvitar. We're almost at your home."

"Larvitar," Larvitar happily says.

"He's happy alright," Mew says.

Everyone begins giggling in response.

Just then, a Venonat and a Scyther come out and walk by them.

"Look, it's a Venonat," Misty says.

"And a Scyther," Marina says, amazed.

"I wonder if it came from the Preservation area," Jimmy says.

Soon, Venonat and Scyther walk over to the group after noticing them. Pikachu, Eevee, and the other Pokemon, except for Larvitar, smile and rush over. The Pokemon soon begins chatting among themselves.

Pokemon Journeys Season 3: Mew's Pokemon Johto JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now