Episode 135: The Upgraded Electric Soldier, Porygon 2

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Mew has battled against Pryce, the Mahogany Town Gymleader, and is able to have an intense battle. Pryce and his Piloswine against Mew and Celebi. Despite the hitches in the icy battle, Celebi is able to stand a strong fight against Piloswine and is able to do well with her first gym battle. After an intense battle, Pryce decides to accept defeat, and Mew has earned her seventh badge. Now Mew only needs one more to compete in the Johto League.

At the Mahogany Town Pokemon Center, the couple of days after Mew's Gym Battle. Celebi is now sitting on the bed as she has a thermometer in her mouth. Soon, the thermometer begins beeping.

Brock then takes it out and looks at the temperature, "97.8. Well Celebi, I'm happy to say that you finally got over your cold."

"Yay!" Celebi happily says and begins to fly around in the air.

Mew giggles, "I'm glad to see you're feeling better, Celebi."

"I'm glad too," Celebi says.

Misty and the others soon walk in to see Celebi happily flying around.

"I see someone is all better now," Misty says.

"Yes. I'm feeling a lot better," Celebi says.

"We're glad to see you better. You were stuck in bed for days," Tomo says.

Celebi then flies to Mew, "Now that I'm all better that means we can make our way to Blackthorn City, right?"

"That's right," Mew says, "And we still have quite a ways to get there."

"Let's see," Brock says, taking out his guidebook.

"I'll see through my Pokenav too," Mew says, taking out her Pokenav.

"According to the guidebook, it's quite a ways away. There is a town between here and Blackthorn, so we can stop for rest and supplies." Brock says.

"Sounds good," Jen says.

"Well then, now that we're all ready. Let's go," Mew says.

And with that, the group soon begins to leave the Pokemon Center and begin leaving Mahogany Town to make their way to Blackthorn City. They begin walking through the woods where many Pokemon live.

"I wonder how long it will take to get to Blackthorn City," Misty says.

"Probably a while," Brock answers.

Suddenly, the Pokemon begins to sense something.

"What is it, guys?" Mew asks.

"Pika Pikachu," (We hear something.) Pikachu says.

"Melo Meloetta," (And it sounds like it's coming this way.) Meloetta says.

The group of friends begin to hear something and it's making their way towards them. Just then, approaching them is a small machine.

"What is that?" Jen asks.

"And why does it seem so familiar?" Brock asks.

Soon enough, the small machine reveals a project, emitting a familiar head with spiky green hair, and swirl glasses. Then it begins scanning Mew and the others.

The projection says, "Hello Mew, Brock, Misty, Tomo, and friends. You all may remember me. Professor Akihabara from Matcha City."

Mew soon realizes, "Wait, I remember you. You're the inventor from Matcha City. you gave me Porygon."

"You are correct. I'm glad you remember," The professor says.

"What brings your machine all the way to Johto?" Brock asks.

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