Episode 136: Whichever Way the Wind Blows

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Mew and her friends continue on their journey with Blackthorn City being their next destination, and Mew's last gym match. Right now, the gang are walking along the path on a nice day.

Misty happily sighs, "Is it today a nice day?"

"I know. It looks so nice out here," Jen says.

Suddenly Pikachu, Eevee, and the other Pokemon sense something.

"What's wrong, sparkle?" Misty asks.

"Pikachu? Eevee? Do you sense something?" Mew asks.

Soon, Pikachu and Eevee hurry off, and soon find three Oddish, and they're hurt and exhausted.

Pikachu calls out, "Pika Pika!" (Over here, guys!)

"Look," Molly says.

"They're three Oddish, and they look like they're very hurt," Mew says.

Mew kneels down, "Please wake up, what happened to you?"

The three Oddish groan in pain.

Sometime later, Mew and Brock help heal the three Oddishes, but still look sickly

"They do look pretty sick, but I just might have something that'll help," Brock says and hands out some food, "Here. Want some special Pokemon food, little guys?"

The three Oddish agree and eat up.

"Glad to see they're feeling better," Mew says.

"But I wonder what made them so sick in the first place," Tomo wonders.

Mew has an idea, "Hey Misty, maybe your Gloom can talk to them."

"Good idea," Misty says. Then calls out her Pokemon, "Come on out, Gloom."

Soon, Misty's Gloom appears.

"Gloom, can you ask the Oddish what happened?" Misty asks.

"Gloom," (Okay.) Gloom answers.

Gloom turns to the three Oddish and asks, "Gloom Gloom." (What happened? Are you okay?)

The three Oddish explain their situation.

Gloom turns to the others and says, "Gloom Gloom Gloom." (These three Oddish ran off after a fight broke out. It just passed the hill."

"A fight? Past the hill?" Mew questions.

"Let's go take a look," Brock says.

"Okay," Everyone agrees.

Everyone heads over the hill and sees something.

"Wow! Check that out!" Mew says.

Everyone looks and sees a giant tree in the middle of the field.

"This has gotta be the biggest tree I've ever seen!" Jen says.

"The Oddish must live here," Misty says.

"I bet it's at least 150 years old," Brock says.

Soon, the group hears something. That being an arguing group of Vileplume and Bellossom, but it's not long before the conflict escalates to fighting.

"I wonder why the Vileplume and Bellossom are fighting," Molly asks.

Pikachu and Eevee try to break it up, but get knocked back and out.

"Are you both, okay?" Mew asks, worried.

"Pika." (We're okay.) Pikachu answers.

"Eevee." (Barely.) Eevee answers.

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