Episode 82: Freeze Frame

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Mew and her friends continue on a quest with their friend, Todd. Todd's determined to find Articuno and take a picture of it. They soon arrive in a snowy area of the mountain. Soon, Noctowl flies over.

Mew calls out, "Any luck, Noctowl? Any sign of Articuno up there?

Noctowl shakes his head, meaning no.

Nothing, huh?" Mew says.

Todd lowered his binoculars, "But we saw it fly this way, it's gotta be on that mountain someplace."

"I don't see how we can get up on that mountain to check it out," Misty says.

"It'll be tough. Snowtop Mountain's icy all year round," Brock says.

Soon, Golbat returns, "Hey, Golbat, did you find anything yet?"

Golbat hisses, (This way!) and flies off.

"Maybe Golbat has a clue that could lead us to Articuno," Todd says.

"Let's go see what they found!" Tomo says.

"Yeah," Todd agrees.

Everyone follows Golbat and soon sees what the Bat Pokemon has found. It's a Pokemon frozen in ice. The Pokemon is a light brown, canine Pokémon. It has oval, brown eyes, a red nose, and its face covered by an abundance of cream fur. It has large pointed ears with a tuft of fur near the base of each. Its fur puffs out above its paws, and it's back has a spiky dark blue blaze. Each paw has three toes, and has a short, tufty tail.

"What's that?" Jen asks.

Mew kneels down to it, "It's a Lillipup, Jen. And it needs our help."

Pikachu and the other Pokemon rush over to investigate it.

Todd says, "I have a hunch about this. I think Articuno may have done it."

Mew brings out her Pokeball, "Cyndaquil, I choose you!"

And Cyndaquil comes out.

"Cyndaquil, use your Flamethrower and get Lillipup unfrozen!" Mew says

Cyndaquil does just that, and soon the Lillipup is free.

Just then, Todd rushes to the Pokemon, "Lillipup, tell me, did you see it?"

Lillipup barks, (See what?)

"You have to tell me, Lillipup! Did an Articuno do this to you?" Todd continues.

Lillipup doesn't like it, so it bites on Todd before jumping into Mew's arm.

" Lillipup acting kinda cold," Tomo says.

"I don't think it liked being pressured after being let out," Mew says.

Then looks down towards the little puppy Pokemon, "Hey Lillipup. We're trying to find an Articuno. A large blue flying bird Pokemon. Do you know where it went?"

Lillipup barks and turns towards the mountains.

"Lillipup says that it flew towards Snowtop Mountain," Mew translates.

"That's it! Articuno must've headed for Snowtop Mountain!" Brock says.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket is seen attempting to climb Snowtop Mountain.

"Only a few thousand feet more!" Jessie says.

"I'm completely exhilarated!" James says.

"I'm just cold. Let's go to that Pokemon Center we passed," Meowth says.

But Jessie says, "Quit complaining! It was your idea to get ahead of the twerps and set a trap for them up here!"

"And the only way we can do that is to climb straight up the side of this mountain, so stop whining and start climbing!" James adds.

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