Episode 68: The Apple Crop

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Mew and her friends continue their journey to get to Ecruteak City for Mew's next battle.

Just then, Pikachu smells something, "Pi...Pika? (Do...you smell something?)

Mew then smells the air too, "I smell something too, Pikachu. Let's go find out what it is."

Mew then dashes forwards with Pikachu and Eevee. Tomo, Melotta, Skwovet, Jen, Amaura, and others decide to follow.

"Guys, wait up!" Misty calls.

When they arrive, everyone is amazed to see what it is.

"It's an orchard!"

"Eevee Eevee!" (Full of apples!) Eevee says.

The group rushes over to see the orchard.

"Oh, wow! That fruit looks delicious!" Brock says.

"It sure does!" Misty agrees.

Togepi and Pichu happily agree

Tomo turns to Mew and the others, "Can we check out the orchard?

"Skwovet?" (Can we?)) Skwovet asks.

"I don't think so. You can't just help yourself. That's stealing," Misty says.

"It's not illegal to look. Come on, let's go," Mew says.

Mew, Pikachu and Eevee go on ahead and explore the orchard.

Suddenly, Pikachu hears something, "Pi? Pika? Pika? ("Huh? What was that? Where's that sound coming from?)

Pikachu looks up and sees apples disappearing off the trees

"Pika?" (What?) Pikachu questions in shock.

Mew turns to Pikachu, "What's wrong Pikachu?

Soon, a few apple cores hit Mew on the head.

"Ow!" Mew yelps and rubs her head

Mew looks up, "Hey!"

Soon, Misty and the others rush over.

Misty soon notices the cores on the ground.

"What happened?" Misty asks.

"These cores just hit me on the head," Mew says.

Then Pikachu points out, "Pika! Pika! Pika Pika!" (Up there! Look up! Something's in the trees!)

Everyone soon looks up in the trees.

"I don't see anything but apples," Jen says.

And then an apple falls on Eevee's head, making her yelp, "EEV!" (OW!)

Mew turns to see Eevee rubbing her head and the apple on the ground.

"How did that happen?" Molly asks.

Pikachu then picks up the apple that has hit Eevee on the head.

"Are you okay, Eevee?" Mew asks.

Eevee nods in reply.

"Maybe there's some reason..." Misty says.

But before Misty can finish her sentence an apple falls on Misty, Tom and Brock's heads.

They all scream, "OW!"

And then a net is tossed and captures Pikachu.

"Pikachu!" Mew cries out.

Soon, someone approaches them, "Well, well. I finally caught you, you criminal."

Everyone turns to see a young woman in red overalls and has purple pigtails.

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