Episode 55: Two Hits and a Miss!

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Mew and her friends continue on the road to Ecruteak City, and the road they're taking has twists and turns. Suddenly, they feel strange vibrations from the ground and the sound of hooves clattering on the ground. The two soon turn their heads to see a runaway Tauros, and the one running near it is unusual.

The black one looks similar to the other Tauros, but is covered in black fur, a thick black mane, dark gray hooves, and black tail. It has two gray bumps, one small and one big, running vertically on its forehead. It has two straight gray horns, a thick black mane, and shorter black tufts on its tail compared to Kantonian Tauros.

"Look, those are Tauros," Mew says.

"But what's with that black one?" Tomo asks.

Everyone quickly sidestep out of the way as the two storm by them.

After doing so, someone chases after the Tauros, "Tauros! Take it easy! Come back!"

However, the two Tauros keep charging. Mew looks to see an elderly man in the two Tauros' path.

"That man's in trouble!" Mew says, shocked and dashes into the rescue.

Misty calls out, "Mew, be careful!"

Mew slides down the hill to rescue the man. The two Tauros continue to charge forward. The old man looks back and brings out a Pokeball, but Mew slides in before he could

"Mister, look out!" Mew calls out.

She then throws her Pokeballs, "Bulbasaur! Ivysaur! I choose you!"

Soon, both Pokemon come out of their Pokeballs.

"I am interested to see how you will use those Pokemon," The old man says.

Mew, "Quick, Bulbasaur! Use your Vine Whip to stop the brown Tauros in its tracks! Ivysaur, do the same with the black Tauros!"

Bulbasaur uses Vine Whip to wrangle the brown Tauros while Ivysaur does the same with the black one. Soon, they both leap into the air.

"Clever," The old man says.

"Watch out, sir. This isn't over yet," Mew says, and the old man steps back.

Soon, both Tauros prepare to charge, and eventually do so from opposite directions.

Mew calls out, "Okay, stand your ground! Wait till the last second, then dodge when I say!"

The two Grass Pokemon nod as they stand their ground. Then at the last second.

"Dodge it!" Mew calls out.

Bulbasaur and Ivysaur leap out of the way.

"Okay, it's coming back around!" Mew says.

The Tauros charge.

"Okay, go!" Mew calls out.

Bulbasaur and Ivysaur dodge.

"Now aim a Vine Whip at its feet and tangle them up!" Mew calls out.

Bulbasaur and Ivysaur do the same and bring both Tauros down.

Then Mew calls out, "Quick, use Sleep Powder!"

The two Pokemon use Sleep Powder to spread at the two Tauros. The two Bulls doze off instantly.

Mew happily cheers, "Hooray!"

Pikachu and Eevee happily cheer.

Mew rushes to her Pokemon, "I knew you could do it, Bulbasaur! You too, Ivysaur."

As Mew congratulates her Pokemon, the old man watches and the rest of Mew friends' arrive with Tauros' Trainer.

"That was great!" Misty says.

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