Episode 106: Around the Whirlpool

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Sailing in a large boat to the Whirl Island, Mew and her friends decide to have a little celebration of Mew earning her Storm Badge, and being able to make new friends.

Mew looks at her badges, "Now we've each got five badges. Only three more to go and I'll finally be competing in the Johto League championship."

"Pika," (Yeah.) Pikachu says.

"Eevee," (We're getting close.) Eevee says.

"And what about all those new water Pokémon? I could just hear them all calling out my name," Misty says, and shouts with pride, "Yes! They've heard about what a great water Pokemon master I am!"

"Uh, excuse me. Would you mind telling us when you became a water Pokémon master?" Mew asks, confused.

"Oh, the smaller details don't really matter, Mew," Misty says.

Just then, Brock notices, "Hey, check out those whirlpools!"

"Whirlpools?" Jen questions.

Everyone looks and sees not one, but multiple whirlpools in the water. The boat continues to sail right towards and through the whirlpools.

"They're everywhere!" Tomo says, shocked.

"Think we'll be okay?" Brock asks.

"I hope so," Mew says.

Molly hugs Mew's leg, "I'm scared."

"Don't worry Molly, I'm sure we'll be alright," Misty reassures.

Everyone starts to worry, until someone offers a drink.

"There's no need to worry about a thing," A familiar woman's voice asks.

"Please, have some refreshments on the house," A familiar man's voice says.

Mew and Misty take their drinks.

"Oh, thanks," Misty says.

The maid says, "The captain of this sightseeing liner happens to be, one of the most experienced and knowledgeable men to sail on the high seas."

"And this magnificent ship has been engineered from top to bottom for your total safety, allowing you to gaze at the whirlpools in peace," The male employee says.

"Well, okay," Brock says.

"Sure is a long way down, huh guys," Tomo says.

"Loetta," (A long way down.) Meloetta says.

"Skwovet Skwovet," (And into those whirlpools.) Skwovet adds.

"Do you think the ship's safe?

Soon, Meowth shows up, "Now!"

And it doesn't take long to realize that the one serving the drinks is Team Rocket.

James brings out the net, "Okay, twerps, That should be enough of the warm and fuzzy routine, time to get down to business.

"They still don't suspect a thing," Jessie whispers, "

"Come to papa," James says, as he hovers the net over Pikachu.

Suddenly, the ship gets caught by one of the whirlpools, causing Mew to lose her balance and gets caught in the net instead of Pikachu, who slowly slides away on the railing.

"Pika?" (A net?) Pikachu cries out.

"Eevee?" (What the) Eevee adds, shocked.

"What's going on?" Everyone else replies, confused.

"Looks like James..." Jessie says.

"Got bad aim," Meowth adds.

Mew takes the net off of her and demands, "Hey, what's the big idea?!"

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