Episode 22: Foul Weather Friends

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It's another beautiful day as Mew, her friends, and their Pokemon continue their trip to Azalea Town, and their next stop on the road to the Johto League.

Soon, Mew spots something, "Hey! Look at the Bellsprout!"

Then Misty spots, "And there are some Vileplume, too. We have to be careful not to breathe in their Stun Spore. Don't we, Togepi? Pichu?"

Togepi and Pichu happily agree.

Then Tomo spots, "Wow! There's a couple of Gloom over there!"

"Sure are a lot of grass type Pokemon living around here, aren't there?" Brock says.

Then Jen spots, "Aww, look at that cute Pokemon."

The group looks ahead to see small pink Pokemon with black eyes, small arms and feet, and on its head it has two long leaves. And it's practically hopping towards them.

"Cutie!" Misty happily says.

"It's a Hoppip!" Brock says

"And I can see why it's called that," Tomo says

"Let's see what Dexter has to say," Mew says, bringing out her Pokedex.

Dexter says, "Hoppip, the Cottonweed Pokémon. A Grass and Flying Type. This hopping Pokémon is light as a feather and can be lifted by the gentlest breeze."

Right on cue, Hoppip is lifted off the ground by a breeze

"We can't let it blow away," Misty says.

"Let's follow it," Mew says.

And the group begins pursuing the Hoppip who looks like it's happily dancing in the air.

Tomo calls out, "Wait up!"

"We're with you, Hoppip!" Misty calls out.

Mew calls out, "Don't worry!"

"We'll catch ya!" Brock says.

Suddenly, a pretty young girl appears in the foreground. She has dark teal hair, wearing a light yellow shirt with a pink scarf, lightish red pink pants, and light yellow shoes.

"Who's that girl?" Jen wonders.

The young lady swings her net and finally catches the Hoppip.

"One down, and one to go," The girl says.

Then a second Hoppip lands on the girl's head.

The girls catches the Hoppip. "Well, it's a good thing I didn't lose my head while I was chasing you, or you wouldn't have had a place to land."

"Excuse me..." Mew says.

The girl jumps and turns to see the girl, "Oh, hi. You surprised me."

"Sorry. We were..." Mew says.

But Brock interferes, "Pardon me, miss. My name is Brock! You demonstrated such dexterity that I couldn't help wondering about the identity of such an agile angel!"

"Ahhhh, my name is Mariah," The girl says, as she stands on her feet.

Brock continues, "Oh, Mariah! I have a confession to make, you've captured my heart just like you captured that little Hoppip!"

"Return! Brock!" Misty says as she grabs Brock's ear and drags him away.

Then Mew says, "Like I was saying, my name's Mew. Are those wild Hoppip or do they belong to you?"

"They're mine," Mariah answers

Soon, Mew and the others are escorted to Mariah's house. There is also a large net around a large area of the house. As it turns out, Mariah has seven Hoppip.

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