Episode 154: Just Add Water

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Mew and her friends are now making their way to New Bark town so Mew can register to enter the Johto League Silver Conference.

"I can't wait to compete in the Silver Conference and win it!" Mew says, excited.

Pikachu and Eevee happily agree.

"Fine and dandy but can we take a rest for now?" Misty replies.

"Yeah. I'm getting tired," Molly agrees.

Up ahead, the group spots something

"Look, a tunnel!" Tomo says.

"Maybe it's a shortcut to the ocean!" Brock says.

"To the ocean?!" Misty reacts excitedly and makes a run for it, "Last one there is a rotten egg!"

"Hey, wait Misty!" Mew says.

"Wait for us!" Jen calls out.

Soon enough, everyone begins to run through the tunnel. Soon enough, they reach out of the tunnel and see the ocean.

"Hey, Brock. You were right!" Mew says.

"Just smell that ocean air," Misty says.

Ït looks really nice," Mew says.

"What a great find, huh?" Brock says.

Then Misty calls out her Water Pokemon, "Everybody, come on out!"

Soon, many of Misty's Pokemon come out: Staryu, Corsola, Drizzle, Goldeen Politoed, Psyduck, Lanturn, Feebas, Jellicent, Slowbro, Piplup, Shiny Totodile, Huntail and Gorebyss, Phione, and Vaporeon and Vaporeon-Two. Soon, everyone but Politoed comes into the water.

"Politoed, don't you want to go for a swim, too?"Misty asks.

Politoed soon does so.

All the Pokemon are enjoying a nice swim.

Sometime later, everyone walks along the shoreline.

"This shoreline should take us straight to New Bark Town." Brock says.

Everyone soon sees a sign to the left.

"The Pokémon synchronized swimming event straight ahead," Mew reads.

This has Brock excited, "Do my eyes deceive me or is this possible true?!" and soon fantasizes what he thinks the event entails, "A show where tons of pretty girls in bathing suits perform alongside Pokemon! Hold on, girls, cause Brock's on his way!"and runs off, "Feet, don't fail me now!"

"Brock! Wait up!" Tomo calls out.

"Wait for us!" Jen calls out.

And everyone hurries after him.

They soon reach the beach and find someone minding a stand.

"Hello. We're here for the Pokémon synchronized swimming event, "Brock says.

The young man says, "Ah. Perfect timing, folks, cause it's just about to begin."

Everyone looks and sees a stadium on the water.

"Whoa! Look at that huge stadium!" Brock says.

"Come on, let's go see," Mew says.

Soon, the gang are in their seats.

"I can't wait to see all those beautiful girls!" Brock happily says.

"This IS called a Pokémon swimming event, you know," Misty.

"Maybe it'll be like the Cerulean gym," Mew replies.

"Oh, yes!"Brock happily says and begins to fantasizes Misty's sisters, "Magnificent memories of vivacious Violet, delightful Daisy and the lovely Lilly. If this is ONE HALF as good as that, I'll be one happy breeder."

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