Episode 168: Pop Goes the Sneasel

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After having Larvitar back to the care of his mother in the Pokemon Preserve, Mew and her friends continue their journey to Silver Town, site of the Johto League Silver Conference. The group continue walking down the hill trail and soon spot a bunch of people standing outside of a gate.

"Wonder what all those people are doing," Molly asks.

"Let's find out," Mew says.

The gang soon approaches the crowd.

"Uh, excuse me," Mew calls out.

And Brock asks, "Are you guys waiting for something special?"

"Yeah, you mean you haven't heard about this? The torch," The man replies.

"What torch?" Jen asks.

Another man says, "We're talking the Johto League Silver Conference torch."

The group soon gets excited.

"We can see the torch here?" Jimmy asks.

"Yep. You're standing in front of the Ho-Oh Shrine, guys," The first man says.

"The torch starts its journey to the conference, right from this spot," The second man says.

"That means we could see it up close," Mew says. Then turns to the others, "What do you say we hang out and see the torch, guys?"

"You bet," Brock says.

"Count me in!" Misty, Casey, and Marina agree.

"Yeah!" Everyone else cheers.

Everyone waits outside the shrine gates in eager anticipation.

"Man, I can't wait!" Jimmy says.

"I know, I just wish it would hurry up!" Tomo says.

"It's so exciting," Vincent says.

One of the people says, "That torch runner should've been here by now."

"I hope the runner's okay," Mew says.

"I wish they would tell us," Jen says.

Soon, the gates open and the shrine attendant addresses the crowd.

The Shrine attendant says, "Ladies and gentlemen, we apologize for the delay, but due to some unforeseen circumstances it will be just a bit longer before the torch actually arrives."

Togepi suddenly runs towards the gate.

Sparkle cries out, "Pi Pi Pi!" (Togepi!) And runs after Togepi, "Pi Pi Pi!" (Togepi!)

Soon, Togepi is able to walk past the gate while Sparkle chases after him.

Shrine attendant calls out, "Hey! Come back here!"

Misty rushes after them, "Togepi, come back! Sparkle, wait!"

The others quickly follow.

Soon, the Shrine attendant blocked the two Pokemon, "Not so fast, you two. You're not allowed here."

Sparkle mananges to grab Togepi

"Togepi! Sparkle!" Misty calls out, and both pick them up.

Then turns to the attendant, "Sorry. I guess Togepi got excited and Sparkle was just looking out for him.

"That's okay. Just try and be more careful," The shrine attendant says.

Soon, two trainers come running down the steps, one carrying a Poliwhirl and the other carrying a bunch of Pokéballs.

Shrine attendant asks, "What on earth is the matter?"

"How are we supposed to train in the middle of all this danger?!" The trainer asks.

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