Episode 48: Total Annihilaption

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After winning a Plain Badge, Mew and her friends are at the Pokemon Center having some breakfast. Mew and the others are having a good time having their breakfast as they talk about yesterday's battle.

"That was a great battle yesterday, Mew," Tomo says.

"Primeape is really strong," Jen says.

"Thanks," Mew says.

Misty turns to Molly, "So Molly, what do you think of witnessing your first Gym Battle?"

"It was amazing," Molly says with a smile.

Then says, "But it must be very hard to challenge a gym leader."

"It is, but it was also worth once you win your battle. The badges you get proved that you've won the gym battle, but it also proves how well you and your Pokemon did," Mew says.

"I can't wait until I'm old enough to qualify to become an official trainer, and go on my own journey," Molly says.

"Me too," Jen says.

"Me three," Tomo says.

Brock laughs, "Sounds like you three have become quite eager to become official Pokemon trainers."

"We sure are!" The three little ones happily say.

Then Tomo says, "By the way Mew, that was an awesome attack Primeape did. The way he used it to defeat Miltank was awesome."

"I have to admit, that was an unusual move. I've never seen it before," Misty says.

Mew says, "Yeah. It was a pretty amazing attack. Of course, I've never seen that move either. I've decided to do a little research to learn more about that move."

"You said that it's called Rage Fist, right?" Brock asks.

"That's right. Doing a little reading and researching, it turns out it's a signature move that only Primeape can use, and my Primeape is able to use that attack," Mew says.

"Really? Molly asks.

"That's so cool!" Tomo says.

"It sure is, but here's the thing. I was able to do a little research about the Paldea Region and the Pokemon living there, like some of the Pokemon we have," Mew says.

"Really? What does it say?" Molly asks.

"According to research. Once a Primeape uses Rage Fist, it's able to use the attack. Once a Primeape uses Rage fist 20 times, it will evolve," Mew says.

This is a shock to everyone.

"Really?!" Jen asks, shocked.

Misty says, "Primeape can actually evolve."

"Yeah. When Primeape is able to use Rage Fist 20 times, it will evolve to a Pokemon that originated in the Paldea Region, called Annihilape," Mew says.

"Wow. So if Primeape uses the attack more times, then it will be able to evolve," Brock says.

"I sure can't wait for this to happen," Tomo says.

Molly asks, "What does it look like?"

Mew brings out her Pokedex to show a picture of Annihilape. It's a simian creature with a round body that is situated on two thick, black legs. The Pokémon is covered in shaggy gray fur that streams upward and seems to evaporate. Unlike Primeape and Mankey, this creature's skin is a dark gray. The metal shackle on its left arm is broken while it appears to have no shackle at all on the right arm. Annihilape has three fingered hands and two-toed feet. There are multiple throbbing veins on the left side of its face. Its eyes are red as if the creature were in an extreme rage.

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