Episode 132: Rage of Innocence

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Mew and her friends arrive at the Lake of Rage, but the peace of the lake was shattered to have witnessed a Red Gyarados. A Pokemon who was forced to evolve from a Magikarp by Team Rocket's Professor Sebastian, using his Evolution Inducement Wave. They also meet up with Lance again, Kanto Elite Four and members of the Pokemon G-Men, who managed to infiltrate Team Rocket's base in disguise. Although Mew and her friends battled to rescue the Red Gyarados from Team Rocket, they end up being captured and jailed by Tyson, the squadron leader, and being held captive at their base. And now, Mew has been taken away by Tyson and Team Rocket for special plans of her

Sometime later, Team Rocket convoy on their way down the road.

Tyson says into the radio, "Mahogany Town Response Team, this is Tyson. The capture of Gyarados is complete. We are now on route."

"Roger, preparing transport choppers for departure to the Kanto region," The Rocket Grunt says.

"I suggest we begin our inspection upon arrival," Prof. Sebastian says.

"Yes, sir," The Grunt says.

"Our red Gyarados should provide us with everything we need to complete the Evolution Inducement Wave," Prof. Sebastian says.

Then Tyson asks, "And what about the girl?"

"Yes, the girl they call Mew," Prof. Sebastian says, "I've heard quite a lot about her. She along with her friends have interfered with Team Rocket's plans for a while, which grows quite tiresome. However, I heard about her gift of being able to talk and understand Pokemon, even raised by them. I believe she'll be of some use to us, including calming the Red Gyarados if it gets agitated."

The cars continue to drive down the road. Suddenly, the last car in the convoy stops. The driver, Lance in disguise, contacts someone via the videophone.

That someone is Officer Jenny of Mahogany Town, "What?! A Team Rocket hideout?! Here in Mahogany Town?!"

"Yeah, and their plan is to fly the red Gyarados to their headquarters in the Kanto region using a couple of helicopters. They even have a young Pokemon trainer being held hostage."

"Understood! I'll prepare to deal with them immediately," Officer Jenny salutes.

"Thank you, and good luck!" Lance says and hangs up.

Lance quickly speeds off back to the lake.

Back at the hideout on the lake shore...

Tomo calls, "Can anybody hear me?!"

"Hello?!" Molly calls out.

"Let us out of here!" Tomo shouts.

Then Jen shouts, "Let us out!"

But Jessie and James lean in.

"Oh, save it!" Jessie says, annoyed, "Your incessant squawking has given me a full-sized headache."

"Besides, we momentous figures in Team Rocket history are the ones who are guarding your exit!" James says.

Soon, Pikachu, Eevee, and the other Pokemon come around.

"Pikachu! Eevee!" Molly says.

"Togepi, Sparkle, you're awake!" Misty says.

"Amaura, Meloetta, and Skwovet are up as well," Tomo says relieved.

"I'm glad you all are okay," Jen says.

Then Tomo asks, "Do you think you can break down the door with a Thunder Shock?

Pikachu tries, but only lets out a spark.

"What's wrong?" Molly asks, worried.

"Pikachu must still be feeling the damage from that inducement machine," Brock says.

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