Episode 123: For Ho-Oh the Bell Toll!

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Mew and her friends are at the Ecruteak City Pokemon Center before leaving to the next gym in Mahogany Town.

Brock soon picks the road to Mahogany Town.

"This road here looks like the easiest route to Mahogany Town, and the quickest," Brock says.

"The easiest route? Yeah, sure, until we get lost," Misty says.

"Don't worry Misty, Brock and I have been studying the map," Mew says and brings out her Pokenav, "And I made sure to check my Pokenav, and it said this path is the quickest."

"We'll be in Mahogany Town in no time," Tomo says.

"I wonder what Pokemon you'll have to battle at the gym," Molly replies.

"Well, I remember doing a little search, and it said that the gym leader uses Ice Types," Mew says.

"Sounds good to use Fire Types or other Pokemon stronger than Ice Types," Mew says.

"True, but I wouldn't be surprised if some of the Pokemon might also be Water Types," Mw says.

Suddenly, everyone hears a strange sound.

"What's that?" Mew asks.

Nurse Joy and Chansey rush to the window.

"Nurse Joy," Brock says, surprised.

Nurse Joy and Chansey look out to the Bell Tower.

"The Bell Tower? How can that be?" Nurse Joy says, shocked.

"What's the problem?" Brock asks.

Suddenly, Misty calls out, "Mew, your bag is glowing."

Mew soon rushes to her bag and pulls out to see that her Rainbow Wing is glowing and vibrating.

Outside, Morty hears the same thing as he rushes out, "It's the bells! This can only mean, that the legendary Ho-Oh will soon return!"

"Or the legendary Suicune," Someone speaks out.

Morty turns his head to see, "Eusine?"

Soon, Morty is meeting a slim brown-haired man dressed in a stylish purple suit with a white cape wrapped around his shoulders held together by a red bowtie.

"Yes, Morty. It's been a while, hasn't it," The young man, Eusine says."

Inside the Bell Tower, the bell vibrates enough to ring. At the same time, Mew's Feather is glowing and vibrating.

Shortly after, everyone is outside of the Pokemon Center.

"The bells really are coming from the Bell Tower!" Misty says

"That's the tower next to the Ecruteak gym, right?" Jen asks.

"Yes," Nurse Joy answers, "The Bell Tower never sounds, not even in the strongest, most fierce winds. It's said, the tower bells will only ring when... Ho-Oh is coming."

"Ho-Oh?!" Mew says, shocked.

"Pika Pika?/Eevee Eevee? (Ho-Oh?) Pikachu and Eevee reply, surprised.

Brock turns to Mew, "That might explain why your Rainbow Wing is glowing."

Mew looks at her Rainbow Wing with Pikachu and Eevee. All three remember the first day they head off on their journey is also the day they first see Ho-Oh. As it flies away, one of its feathers has descended to Mew, and she's been holding on to it ever since.

Meanwhile, up in the tower, Morty and Eusine investigate the bells at the Bell Tower.

"Look! Here, too!" Morty says, "We've checked every floor and the whole tower's ringing!"

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