Episode 171 Tie One On!

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As the Silver Conference of the Johto League finally got underway, Mew faced off against Macy, respectively, in the preliminary rounds of the semi-finals! For a moment, it looked like Macy's skill as a fire Pokemon trainer would be too much for them! But when Squirtle came running to the rescue for Mew. With their defeat of Macy, Mew has earned three victory points for themselves. Now, it's on to the next round!

Now at the stadium...

The announcer says, "In the H division's second preliminary battle, Macy from Mahogany Town will compete against Vincent from New Bark Town!"

Macy looks up and sees Vincent wearing a cape and blocking the camera.

"Vincent from New Bark Town is in the house!" Vencent says, and turns to the camera, "Hi, Jimmy! Hi, Marina! I'm on TV!"

Everyone is baffled to see this. Jimmy and Marina groan in response.

"This is so embarrassing," Jimmy says.

"Oh brother," Mew says, rolling her eyes.

"What a goofball," Casey says.

Shortly after, the battle of Macy and Vincent is taking place.

The announcer says, "Vincent's Golduck and Quagsire have already been defeated, as have Macy's Magcargo and Starmie!"

The scoreboard shows the respective Pokémon's pictures blacked out, and the only Pokemon pictures left glowing were Macy's Quilava and Vincent's Poliwhirl.

"So in their final battle, Quilava will face Poliwhirl!" The announcer says.

"Alright, let's set this place on fire!" Mace says, and calls out, "Quilava, use Flamethrower!"

"Oh, no you don't! Poliwhirl...!" Vincent says.

But before Vincent could finish his command, he ends up tripping on his cape. When Poliwhirl turns around to check on him, it gets blasted from behind with Quilava's Flamethrower and is sent flying into the wall and is pinned by it.

The announcer says, "Quilava's Flamethrower shoots across the stadium!"

"Poliwhirl!" Vincent cries out.

Poliwhirl soon lands on one foot, but is clearly wobbly.

The announcer says, "Poliwhirl is still carrying the damage from that Thunderbolt from Starmie," and Poliwhirl falls.

The referee announces, "Poliwhirl is unable to battle! Quilava wins! The winner of the match is Macy from Mahogany Town!"

"Yeah! I knew you could do it, Quilava!" Macey happily cheers.

"She had to win that battle or she would've gotten eliminated," Brock says, "Now you and Macy are tied with three points each. As long as you get at least a tie in the next battle, your four points will be enough to get you past the prelims."

"But if Mew loses the next battle, it'll be a three way tie between him, Macy and Vincent," Misty says.

Then Brock says, "If that happens, they'll have one more round robin."

"Then it's important to be sure that I win this next match," Mew says.

Pikachu and Eevee agree.

Later at the Pokémon Center, Mew's Bulbasaur is back to help compete in the Pokemon League. Right now, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Eevee, and Pikachu are playing with the other Pokemon

"Squirtle and Bulbasaur sure look happy, don't they?" Misty says.

"They haven't seen each other for a long time," Brock says.

Pokemon Journeys Season 3: Mew's Pokemon Johto JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now